Chapter 10

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Lets just appreciate this moment when I have finally came to a two digit number.....


Norman was starring at Ray and Ray was starring back. Ray lips curled to a smile "What are you saying, What's wrong Norman?" Ray said. "You already know by now, right?" Norman said. "I set a trap for three people, I told Don the rope was under my bed. I told Gilda it was on the ceiling on the second floor bathroom well at least that's what I told you" Norman said.

"But actually I told Don it was in the dinning hall, and I told Gilda it was in the library. Then the rope that was under my bed disappeared What about the other two locations?" Norman said. Ray looked at him with a slightly angry face.

"Should we go check them now?" Norman asked.

Ray let his arms go down as he sat on the bed looking to the floor with defeat. He laid his back on the bed with his arms out wide. He put his hands over his eyes and started laughing he started laughing like a lot. He took his hands off his eyes a bit and looked at Norman.

"Aw man, I- I thought I was doing so well". Norman looked down at him in disgust. He betrayed his siblings, he betrayed his Y/n.

He turned over to the side of the bed and lifted himself up. He sat in the bed and pulled his other leg on to his thigh. (yum yum) "That's right" Ray said. "I am Mom's spy" He said lifting his hand out to Norman. "When did you start suspecting me?" He said.

Norman walked in front of him so he could see him. "It was when Sister came, I was disgusted for myself for thinking such a thing You were the first person I suspected, Even though our my friend" Norman said with his arms crossed.

"I just was hopping it wouldn't be true. It was my suspicions for the worst case scenario, but for us it would be the most problematic if your the traitor and from the enemy's point of view it would be most beneficent if your the tarator" Norman said.

"I walked right in your little trap" Ray said

"One more thing" Norman said. "Your not the traitor who was set up just for this matter right? Mom would never trust a sudden tip or an out of the nowhere spy. Just how  long have you been Mom's spy" Norman said looking at Ray and leaning closer.

"For a while now, I've been Mom's spy for a long time" Ray said smiling. Norman looked angry "You knew about this this whole time and you helped Mom?" 


"Was everything a lie? All that time helping and preparing with Emma and Y/n?"

Rays face became worried when he said Y/N's name. "I-I forgot about Y/N. H-How am I going to tell her" Ray said his face now looking at the ground. He put his hands on his face and sighed. 

Norman didn't care what he though about Y/N he needed answer. "What and  how much did you tell mom? The tracking devices can be broken right?"

Ray looked up and Norman "If you cut me off, Let Y/n come with you I don't want to drag her down." Ray said.

"I won't. I'll have you by our side as you've always been" Norman said. Ray looked gloomy. "Aren't you glad? You can continue to hid the mistake you made, you wanted to keep framing Don right?"

"What do you want?" Ray asked.

"Three things" Norman said putting up there fingers. "One continue to spend time with us like always and guarantee our safely. Two tell me everything you know. Three come on our side" Norman said with a smile.

Ray lifted his head up in surprise. "Become my spy now" Norman said. "You want me to be the ace up you sleeve?" Ray asked in confusion. "Yeah" Norman said with a small smile. "Are you an idiot?" Ray said out of anger.

"If that was your plan from the beginning you should have kept quiet and used me" Ray said looking to the side. "You could have just make your excape plan and abandon me when you left, That would have been a better method" Ray said getting angry and confused.

"Yes but Y/n couldn't be able to do anything without you anymore. She would feel devastated and try and come back for you. She a big part of this plan she has skills and with everything going on Y/n wouldn't be able to focus on anything without. She loves you Ray I can see it even if she doesn't show it I know." Norman said with a smile. Ray looked at Norman.

"You're right" Ray said with a smile. "But that couldn't possible be the only reason you decided to keep me" Ray said. 

"No its not, Emma said we grew up in a family all of us.  She believes in you and I will too" Norman said with a kind smile. "After all you're the one who deiced to hid little bunny right?" Norman asked.

"That night when we went to the gate if you hadn't said that we could make it we wouldn't have gone. You led us to discover the truth about this house for ourselves. Your the one who set up this escapes for our sakes right?" Norman said.

 (um sorry im just gonna skip some stuff hope you don't mind (*^ -^*) so basically they finished talking and stuff)

Y/N...She heard everything. She heard every last thing those two said. She hated her hearing so too good some times it wasn't all good. She couldn't move she was sitting in her bed two rooms away. She was still she tried to move her finger but it would only move a bit. She couldn't say anything her mouth felt dry. She looked down at the floor and she was in shock. She put her hands on her forehead and looked at the ground in fear.

"You're late" Mom said. "I was talking to Norman" Ray said entering the room. "And?". "Nothing has changed, they're focused on training with tag" Ray said.

"The bigger issue is that Sister, Shes on the move again" Ray said. "I see" Mom said. "You should have never summoned her".

"Even though I've been helping you for six years, it makes me sad you still don't trust me". "Its just a precaution" Mom said.

(They talk for a bit and stuff, then Norman has that dream where he sees all those bodies laying on the ground dead he is scared; even Phil's body T^T)

"Time to get up Norman!" One of the kids said laying on to of him rubbing his shoulders. Norman turns over and see one kid on his lap and the other standing right next to them. The smile brightly at him. 

"Good morning" He says opening his arms wide open. The kids tackle him in a hug. 

Norman walked into the kitchen being  greeted by Emma. "Good morning Norman!" Emma says waving at him. "Oh hey morning!" he says back. Ray comes walking in and pats Norman's shoulder. "Morning Norman". 

Y/N comes in a litter later than the rest of the kids. She decides not to get to close to Ray she doesn't want anything to do with him. She wants nothing at all but she can't look suspicious she has to be exactly like she was yesterday before she knew any of this.

( sorry yall I'm not too good with the endings actually im fucking ass anyways im just trynna to post something for now.) 

Hope you guys have a good winter break!!! and I hope 2021 will be better. 

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