Chapter 11

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                   (after breakfast)

Y/N, Ray, Emma and Norman all walked together heading to the forest. Y/N became more quiet than usual she stopped talking that much, she was still so confused about the situation with Ray. 

"So?" Emma said. "How did the plan with the ropes go, was there progress on the source of information?" She said looking at Norman. "Actually.." Norman said looking to the side.

Y/N wanted to hear him say that it was Ray. She thought she mis-heard. She was so angry that he never told her. She was going to choke death. She waited for Norman to say it to see if she was right. The second were going so slow.

"Oh, that" Ray said cutting Norman off. "Wait" Y/n said cutting him off. "Ray was the traitor" She said looking at him so he could confirm it. Norman looked confused "H-h-how did you know?". "WAIT WHAT" Emma said cutting Norman off. "Yup" Ray said. "I'm Mom informant" Ray said pointing to himself. 

Emma was speechless and Norman was surprised that Ray said it so casual like it was nothing. Y/n was swirling in circle happy that she got it right. "Y/N why aren't you surprised?" Emma asked. "Oh its because I heard them... very clear" She said looking at Emma with a happy face. "But Ray was the traitor!" She said pointing at him. "Yeah but I know Ray would never watch us get sold He's not that type" Y/n said looking at Ray.   

Y/N walked up to Ray a bit and inched closer to his face and put her hands on his neck. "BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME BEFORE YOU TOLD NORMAN!!" She said getting a harder grip on him making his neck red. Norman and Emma started to laugh. 

"Ok so let me get this straight, you're the traitor but not the enemy. You were acting like Mom's servant all this time just for our sake" Emma said. "Yeah. The truth is I was going to tell you everything as soon as you got back from the gate" Ray said sighing. Y/N laid her head on his shoulders "It's Okay. I mean that's a lot to handle all on your own but don't get yourself all stressed out ok?" She said looking up to him.

"Yeah ok" Ray said looking back at Y/N.

(a bit more of his talking about how he was a cute boi sn of how he liked help them with the stuff and stuff lol)

"Plus you guys were being rash and about to get reckless. That's why I figured I should keep quiet and get both under control" Ray said looking at the three of them.. "So you're saying that you were covering up for our mistakes?" Emma said. Y/n walked up to him and gave him a hug. Ray tipped back a little bit but gained his balance. "This is why Ray is good boi" Y/n said stuffing her face into his shoulder. Ray hugged her back. "I'm going to stay like this for a bit" Y/n said.

"So are you still against escaping with everyone right?" Emma said with a disappointed look. "Its different now" Ray said. "I'll help you escape with everyone" Ray said with a smile. Emma turned her head to the side and kept looking at him. "That's not like you". Norman turned to Emma "Do you think he is lying?" Norman asked.

 Y/n stopped hugging Ray and turned to Emma. She grabbed Ray's hand and waited for Emma responds she was a slightly confused as to why she didn't trust him. "Nope. I'm happy" Emma said smiling. Y/n squinted at Emma for about 5 seconds. Her hand was squeezing's Ray's harder and harder every second. "Hey Y/n your hand" Ray said. Y/n turned to him and looked down noticing that she was hurting him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Ray" She said laughing out of embarrassment.

(heh *sweats* so *sweats again* i-i-i-i-i'm doing another skip...HOPE UR NOT MAD) 

"Let's all escape here together" Ray said.

Don and Gilda were standing next to the tree under the shade. "There talking on their own again, huh?" Gilda said. "Damn it, how long are they going to be discussing things? We have to save Conny!" He said angry and impatience.

"I wonder if there's a reason" Gilda said looking down. Don looked at her "Like what?". "I don't know. It might not be dangerous just because there are bad people. It might be something even more" She said in a very sad voice. (i mean i don't blame her though) 

The 4 of them where walking back to the field where the other kids were playing. "Y/n was sure mad" Ray said smiling while rubbing his neck. "By the way I wanted to ask you something" Norman said. "What?" Ray said turning to Norman. "You said you did it so that me, Emma and Y/n don't get killed but are you actually.."

"Oh yeah!" Y/N said interrupting Norman and Ray conversation but she didn't know. Y/n ran closer to the 3 of them. "I have something to report" She said smiling.

"Gilda and I decided to spy on Mom for a bit" Y/n said holding a notebook. "Mom disappears right before 8 o'clock every night. 

"Disappears?" Norman asked. 

"Yeah she's nowhere to be found in the house" Y/n said. Y/N opened her notebook and laid it on the bed getting on her knees. "This house has a secret room". "A secret room?" Don said bending down to get a better look.

"Yeah, right here" Y/n said circling the red marker. "Next to mom's bedroom".

"I noticed that every time Mom's disappears she always goes into her office or the washroom" Gilda said. Y/n bit the top of the marker while studying her picture. Ray leaned over the bed and snatched the marker out of her mouth. "Hey what gives!" Y/n said. "There germs on this, you might get sick stop it" He said with an angry face.

"I measured the distance inside that room and the distance " She said. "Oh so that's what you were doing" Norman said. "And the results?" Don said. "They didn't match" Emma said.

"There are about ten of my foot steps worth of space, one side is a wall the other side is a bookshelf, But I think there are hidden doors on both sides" Emma said looking up to the others.

"And beyond, that there is a secret room" Gilda said. 

"Probably-" Emma started.

"Schedule check-ins" Ray and Y/n said at the same time.

thanks for reading and all. :)

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