Chapter 14

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It was night time. Ray, Emma, Don, Y/n, Gilda and Norman were all together in the kitchen with two lanters. Don and Gilda were sitting in the two chairs while Emma and Y/n were on the other chairs. Norman was standing next to Y/n and Ray was leaning on the wall behind all of them.

"Well?" Ray asked waiting for them to speak. "We just went in Mom's secret room ok?" Don said looking away. "But how?" Emma asked. "Well, Don stole the key" Gilda quietly said. "Wait huh?" Y/n asked. "Did she?" Norman asked.

"I don't think she had noticed, We already returned the key so .." Gilda said. "That was really stupid!" Ray barked. Gilda looked down. "You didn't stop to think that the room had a camera or alarm?" Ray asked. Then Y/n started talking.

 "If mom or Sister Krone founded out you two- wait no all of us would all be-" Y/n got cut off. 

"Tell us what happen Y/n" Don said. Y/n looked away.

"Would we all be..Killed" Don said looking at Emma."When we searched Moms secret room we found Connys bunny, You keep us hopeful said we saved them But we can't save them can we?! Because Conny..Conny and the others are" Don looked like he was on the urge to cry, he felt betrayed..He was betrayed.

"Im sorry!,I'm really sorry" Emma said bowing. "So there really.." Gilda looked scared."I told you Gilda they were lying after all!" Don said. "What are you hiding just tell us the truth" He said getting closer to Emmas ear. Emma looked at Y/n and nodded.


"A farm?"

"Your sayin everyone else has been eaten" Gilda said. "And your a spy? This whole time?" Don asked. "He did it for us" Y/n said. "So then Ray you knew this was going to happen to Conny that day" Don said getting up. "You guys lied and tried to trick us into going into a world full of enemies?".

 Don stopped he started laughing.

Gilda had her hand over her mouth. 

Don went in and punched Norman in the face. He fell to the ground. "SERIOUSLY!" Don yelled. "Don! Stop it" Y/n yelled walking to him Don turned around and punched her in the face making her fall aswell. Don grabbed Emma's shirt and was about to almost punch her. "Y/N!" Ray yelled running over to her. He looked at her check checking for any brusies. "WHAT THE HELL DON!" Ray yelled pushing him.

Don looked at Y/n and noticed what her did. 'I- I'm sorry Y/n" He said looking at the floor. "TELLL IT TO HER FACE RIGHT NOW!" Ray yelled hitting his leg so he can looking at Y/n directly in her eyes. "I'm sorry Y/n I went out of control, I didn't mean to punch you" Don said sadly. He held out his hand so she can get it until Ray slapped it and picked up Y/n on his own.

"She doesn't want you" Ray growled hugging her. Y/n looked at Ray's face. "He punched you too?" Y/n asked touching his cheek. "I'm ok but you got hurt aswell" Ray said pulling her tighter. "Just stay on me" He whispered in your ear. 

"I'm so sorry guys I-Its just this is all coming out so fast and I didn't know  how to react I was mad, sad, and angry" Don said quietly. Y/n went over to Don and hugged him. 

Ray looked pissed and pulled Y//n towards him. "Hug me...I'm the one who got hit" He said under his breath he was blushing. Y/n hugged Ray aswell.

"Don" Gilda said.

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