Chapter 13

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                   (The duo)

Don closed the secret door behind them so no one would noticed that they enter it. Gilda brought a lantern, match and match box. Gilda saw a closet and opened it noticing there white clothes and hangers in there. Nothing too suspicious

Don was walking when he steps on something squeaky. He looked at the ground and noticed some kind of handle. He opened the doory thing. Gilda noticed and gasped. Don looked down there looked at stairs.

Gilda walked over to see. She got on her knees and first lit the match and placed it to the lantern.

(back to the fourio)

"It says run" Norman said. "And this one says doubt" You said. "There's one that says..danger and the last... is truth" Y/N and Norman said together.

"But still these don't mean-" Y/N got cut off.

"Hey check these too" Emma said holding about 4 books in her hand.

"Harvest, Monster and" Norman said. Y/N and Ray was behind him exzaming the smybol as well. Y/N walked a bit so she could get some space.

"Oh no" Y/n said under her breath. "T-This can't be happening" She said putting her hands on her forhead. "Y/n what wrong?" Ray asked. "I need some water" She said. "Alright" Ray said running to the kitchen. "You alright Y/n?" Emma asked walking over to feel your forehead. "Yeah Its just a little much for me and water is important though I haven't been drinking too much of it" Y/n said laughing a bit.

"Here" Ray said putting it to Y/n's mouth. "Hey I got it thanks" Y/n said holding the cup herself. "Dont die on me though" Ray laughed while touching Y/n's back and looking deep into her eyes. "Only if you don't," Y/n said smiling. "I would never" Ray said leaning closer to Y/n. "And I won't die on you" Y/n said leaning closer to him with a big smile. 

"Guys cut it out, we need to focus" Norman said. Y/n and Ray stopped and turned over to Normans. "Sorry" They both said. 

"Look" Norman said showing Y/n and Ray the books. Ray looked at the book "Its a message to us from the outside". "We can trust these" Y/n said looking at the book. "You sure?" Norman asked. "I'd be more suspicious then Emma so yeah" Y/n said punching Emma in the head.

"Its possible Minerva could be an ally to us, but we don't know if he's dead or alive" Ray said. "Your always so negative Ray" Emma said. "You got that right" Y/n smirked. "William Minvera.... Hes someone from the outside that knows about the farm. Although it may be indirectly but he's trying to help us" Norman stated. "Exactly!" Y/n shouted.

"There was an ally on the outside. And he still might be there, In which class there may be a society of humans outside." Norman said smiling. "Yeah!" Y/n said balling her fists in excitement.

Don notices that Connie bunny is still in the house.

 "These messages..there only in Minvera's books," Emma said. Y/n walkes over to her and check's out the book. "It's hard to tell that when these labels were on here," Y/n said as she opens the books. "But at least we know this one came in 2015." She said showing the other 3. "I see" Norman says. "Are we aware of anything else? Like if the books have any similarity?" He asked.

  "Nope." Rays says. "The genres are varied. The publishers and the year they were-". "But what about that thing where is it?" Emma says. "Which one was it?" She says looking at the books. "This" She says holding up two books.

"I didn't understand the morse code on these two codes"

"One is a typical adventure novel and the other is a mythology book I didn't really understand" Ray said.

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