Conjoined Forces

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I wanted to thank everyone who is reading this!! This just reached 9,000 views, I am so happy! I never thought I would get this far when I started my first book. Its all thanks to you that I have that many, so thank you all so much!

I dedicate this chapter to FabLuce!

I love you all so much!

Wendy's POV

She starred blankly at the still water before her, no longer was it splashing or fought. It was deathly calm, reflecting the sky in its murky presence. Wendy's eyes were flooded with tears and they dribble down her little cheeks. She heard Natsu yell out in frustration and anger behind her, but she stayed unmoved, still shaken by the sight.

"How could you do this?!" Erza stood from the grass, she immediately requited her Heavens Wheel armor. "I am tired of watching and waiting. I will not let you get away with this!"

"You hurt Lucy and you will pay the price for it. I wont let fire-breath have all the fun." Grey stepped next to her, ready to fight.

"I said no interference!" Cloven yelled, seeming a little more desperate now that he had no leverage.

"To hell you with you and your interference! Those who hurt our friends cant be forgiven!" Natsu stormed.

Wendy lifted her head up, stood slowly and trudged up next to Natsu. Her confidence boosting, now that she had her friends, she had the strength to fight. "Fairy Tail is made of those who are strong, not just in power but in heart."

"You are all fools!" Cloven tried to keep his cool.

"You were the fool to mess with the wrong guild." Erza scorned.

All four members attacked at once, blasting, swinging and shooting at Cloven. He had no time to react, or even block. He was pounded by attack after attack. When they felt satisfied, Cloven laid on the ground face down. All watched in silence as Clovens body slowly turned to black ash and bit by bit whisked away with the wind.

Wendy dropped to her knees in exhaustion, when she heard a "click" noise from behind her. Startled by the sudden noise she turned back, but there was nothing there, only the Spring. Unless...!

Wendy ran to the spring, jumped into the cold water, it was about level with her chest, but she sucked in a deep breath and plunged under. The junky water stung her eyes, but she refused to close them. She swam to Lucy, to see the chains had released themselves! She grabbed Lucy's limp body and pulled her to the surface.

"Natsu, Erza, Grey! Help!" She gasped, trying to get the attention of her comrades.

They rushed over in suspicion of her outburst, but all stopped when they saw Lucy. They hauled her out of the spring and onto the soft grass. At once Wendy started to heal her most vigorous wounds as Erza pounded Lucy's stomach to get the water out of her lungs.

"Come on Lucy, stay with us!" She pleaded.

It was long and agonizing to wait, she wasn't waking up. Was Lucy really dead?! No she couldn't be, not after all this! Wendy was lost in her thoughts of dread when Lucy unexpectedly started coughing, water spilled from her mouth and she breathed in heavily.

"Lucy!" Everyone called out to her, but she didn't answer. She only laid there, breathing in and out.

Ignoring her current state, the wounded mage was tackled in a series of hugs by all her friends. It was a dog-pile of love. That was all they needed, she was alive and safe. It was over, they could go home and this whole event would hopefully blow over like it never happened.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now