Caged Star

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It seems this book became more popular than I had anticipated. So i decided to write another chapter, but sadly I wont being focused on this book until I finish "Land of the Ashen". I know I am a terrible person!!

I dedicate this chatper to Fandomsunitetogether!

Thanks for my 139 readers so far!


Lucy's POV

Lucy woke up to a noise, not a pleasant noise at that. To describe it, sounded like a foghorn mixed with nails on a chalk board. She immediately tried to cover her ears from the terrible sound, but for an odd reason her hands were stuck. So she tried to turn over in her bed, like that would solve the problem. Again, her whole body seemed frozen in one spot and her bed was much less comfortable than when she had fallen asleep.

Flinging her eyes open she saw her worst nightmare, she wasn't in her bed or her apartment. She was in a cell, somewhere dark and cold. The walls here stone and there was no window. Lucy noticed shackles around her wrists holding her to the wall. Bruises had already started to appear, along with purple and red scars.

Where was she? How had she gotten there? Why was she there? All these hundreds of questions flooded her mind like a wave of the ocean. The room was pitch black like the hide of a panther, but she could still make out the minor details of the dimly light room.

After her stage of questions, her mind was only filled with the bitter sorrow of loneliness. It captured her like a theif in the night.

Why had things gone so wrong? The wonderful days of yesterday had been completely forgotten, only to be replaced with fear and longing. Lucy drew up her legs and tucked them protectivly under her chin, she cried into her knees in utter hopelessness. Why had things gone so wrong?

Wendy's POV

Walking threw the streets of her favorite market, a little girl hummed a sweet tune. Her long blue hair swished behinder as she went, her eyes wide and full of joy.

Wendy had gotten to the guild early in the morning, Then Mira had run out of flour, so to put the take over mage at ease Wendy offered to get some for her. Holding the big bag of white power, she trotted along reaching her destination. The Fairy Tail guild wasn't her first, she had originally come from another guild called Cait Shelter. But since the guild disappeared Fairy Tail had taken her in with welcome arms.

She opened the large, wooden doors and strode to the bar.

"Mira-san, I got your flour." Wendy smiled as she set the heavy bag on the counter.

Mira turned, her blue eyes widening with exceeding happiness.

"Thank you Wendy. You really saved my skin!"

"No problem!" Wendy smiled once more and turned to leave.

"Oh, Wendy. Im sorry, but could you do me one more favor?" Mira caught her attention again.

"Sure, whats the job?"

"It's not hard, just could you go fetch the mail?"

"On my way!" Wendy hopped from the bar seat and made her way outside to the mailbox. It was a small box with the symbol of fairy tail on the side, not really anything special. Wendy opened the front and pulled out a few letters all addressed to the guild, but one caught her eye. There was no return address, no way of knowing who the letter was from, at least not from the outside.

She kept gazing at the letter as she reentered the guild.

"Here Mira, the letters." She handed the letters to her.

"Thanks again Wendy."

"Yeah...hey Mira?"

"Yes, what is it?" She asked surprised.

"Well, I don't know if it means anything but there was one letter that didn't have a name on it."

Mira searched threw the jumble of letters, most of witch were requests from customers, but then she found the one letter that Wendy was talking about. In the front held nothing but two words "Fairy Tail" in big loopy letters. Mira tore open the letter eager to read the contents. Unfolding the paper the letters were written with magic, completely untraceable.

To Fairy Tail,

I found a little star, a star you might miss, a star of beauty. This star was lost but I found it, now it is your turn. Why don't we play a little game, in this game there are rules. Find this star and you can keep it, if not the star will soon burn out. However this star only has a limited amount of life, find it in two weeks and the star is yours.

Cloven Shade

Mira held the paper tight in her hands, crumpling it at the sides. Anger filled her mind, but who was this star that they talked about? Most likely someone in the guild, but star?

Mira stood from her place at the bar and ran up the stairs to the Masters office, disregarding all the new requests people would flood the board for. This was more important.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now