Pool of Sorrows

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Okay, happy times right? Can this book get any more depressing?! Well, the goon news is that it all comes back uphill from here! So yay, you made it past all the tears now to the top climax!!

I dedicate this chapter to grace9550!

Hope you like it!

Lucy's POV

In a way Lucy was glad to be away from the one she used to call a friend. How could Natsu says those things to her?! Was that really the friend she had known all these years? It couldn't be, the Natsu she knew would do anything for his friends. She had seen him completely risk his life for something as silly as a few words. But that didn't matter now. The Natsu she thought she knew was gone, in fact he never even existed.

Lucy let Cloven take her away, away from the terrible place that ruined all her fondest memories. Tired, hungry, aching, dirty and helpless Cloven teleported. The sun blinded her, as she was used to the darkness of the cave for so long. Laid out before her was a natural spring, water flowed from the spring continuously, though its consistency was quite slow. The spring lay in the middle of a deep whole, this whole looked something like a swimming pool. This pool rested in the middle of a forest. Trees and fauna surrounded the pool, making it hard to make out from far away.

Cloven stepped into the pool, though there was hardly any water, barely lining the bottom. He rested Lucy on the floor, pushing her back up against the side of the pool. He raised her arms and clamped them into place above her head. When he was satisfied with her confinement his hands went to other less-innocent places. Lucy didn't even care anymore, her friends were gone and she just wanted to end.

Once he released her she leaded forward, falling from exhaustion, but her restraints stopped her from going any further. She watched him as he pulled himself out of the pool rim and observed his handy work. Her eyes wearied from in and out of focus, but she mad out that he was casting a sort of spell.

Then a paper and pen appeared in his hands, he started to write. When he was finished he folded it and placed is smoothly into the small, tan envelope. With a sudden "pop" it was gone.

"What..." She couldn't finish.

Cloven noticed her stirring and chuckled greedily.
"You don't have to worry about that, just a letter of success."

Lucy's heart plummeted, seeming to drop into her stomach.

"How long?" Her voice was scratchy and soft.

"About a month now."

"Food." She mumbled, they still hadn't fed her.

"Nah, your going to die soon anyway. So why waist a good meal?" With this last comment, he walked off.

The tapping of his shoes slowly dissipated in the distance, growing softer and softer with every step. Then it was gone and the only thing left in her brain was the repetition of his shoes clapping on the forest floor.

Lucy was once again, alone. But this time was different, she had nothing. Her friends had gone, her home she could never go back to, her pride and lastly her hope. Everything she had lived for turned into a joke, a laughing stalk. There was nothing left for her to live for, so why not just end it here? In the end she wanted to die. Like Natsu had said, it was a weight off his shoulders. At least she wouldn't burden anyone anymore and her mind could finally be at peace with itself. Dying wasn't that bad, its just a little pain and then its gone. No one would miss her, so why bother trying to live when no one even cared about her anymore? But inside it hurt a lot, trying to come up with silly excuses and trying to find a good thing about dying was pathetic. Another thing to add to her list of impurities. It seemed everyone else could find them in places Lucy never thought to look.

She was alone.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now