Encloser at Zero

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Hey, I decided to try to update Land of the Ashen and this book at the same time, because they both are pretty popular. Yes, its super confusing of which book I am writing, but I can do it! At least they are both in third person!

I dedicate this chapter to Cryptic_Eyes!

Sury baut mi gammer isues... ^-^

Lucy's POV

Lucy was unaware of the time passing in the darkness of her cell, all she knew was pain and hunger. She hadn't eaten at all or moved. Her whole body ached from the stone floor below her and the air seemed to be pushing her down from lack of strength.

No movement, no change in any for what seemed an eternity. She didn't know her captures or even the purpose, loneliness and sorrow consumed her.

Then she heard a noise, not a noise from her chains or from her doing. This came from outside cell, from the unknown. It was a soft tap of shoes echoing down a hall, seeming to grow louder, as if it was coming closer. Then an eire creak of the door opening, showing the only light Lucy had seen in days. Ignoring her intruder she stayed dazed and limply starring at the floor.

The man slammed his foot into her stomach, forcing blood to spurt from her mouth and onto her shirt and chin. He repeated the action many times, but said nothing. No yells of anger or hysterical laughs, just a dead silence. Then he left exactly the way he had came, with the echoing tap, tap, tap, of his shoes down the hall.

Before Lucy could slip back into her previous state, the door swung open unexpectedly and blurry figures flooded inside. Every thing seemed fuzzy and Lucy could feel herself falling into unconsciousness, but the blurs moved with incredible speed. Lucy's arms fell to her sides, free from her bonds then roughly dragged out of the "comfort" of her cell and out into the light. Blinded Lucy let her limp body scrape across the stone floor, then thrown down onto a metal surface, hearing another creak and a slam indicated that she was in another cage. There was a rumbling and slight vibration of the floor, then with a sudden force forward she was slammed to the back of the cage. The rumbling and shaking continued as she felt herself floating away in the automobile.

She lay on the silky metal cage as she held onto that last string of life, fluttering her eyes open every few seconds. But slowly sleep claimed her as its own and she fell into a deep slumber.


Lucy felt cold, extremely cold. Not just the wave ones gets from opening your refrigerator or being out without a sweater, no she felt as if she was burning. Lucy was not one to like cold weather in general, but this was beyond the point. When you are so cold you feel hot as if you are burning, this is when you are your coldest.

Slowly opening her eyes, Lucy saw nothing but white, it seemed to sparkle and twinkle. Turning her head shakily she saw more. Lucy was encased inside a natural cage of ice, it was a shallow cage with thick icicles dragging down to the snowy floor. Encasing her like a butterfly in a cocoon, though the "walls" didn't help at all with wind protection. The current swept threw like a wind storm.

Lucy placed her eyes out of on the holes between icicles to see nothing but a vast blizzard, snow storm. A landscape of winter, nothing in sight or hopes of being close.

Crashing back to the bottom of the cage she curled up into a ball trying to keep warm. She was alone, hungry, cold and helpless. Still being dressed in her pajamas wasn't helping her condition, no snow gear, jacket or even shoes. Bear foot on the snow made her toes curl, but this was the least of her worries. She just hoped they didn't fall off, her nose was completely red and numb, but so was most her body.

Natsu would probably tease her about how she looked like Rudolph. Just this little thought seemed to bring her spirits up, even just a bit was enough. She thought about all the good times she had with the guild, her and Natsu's first mission, when she met Erza and even the market day. She thought of her mother and father when she was a child and all the happy days.

For these few minutes she found herself forgetting the extreme cold and more focused on trying to remember something new. She went through her entire life of all the great things in her life, this sparked a small flame of hope in her chest that she still had friends and they were out there looking for her.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now