Chapter Two

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Finished - Mar 30, 2021

Word Count - 1453 

Music - BrunuhVille - Luminia


The streets of Magnolia were filled with people hopping from station to station. The bustle of haggling occasionally disturbed those next to them as shopkeepers advertised their best products. Bright colors of fabrics and trinkets lit up the lively roads.

Natsu's nose was overwhelmed by all the food cooking and he could barely hear anything over the many voices around him. But he kept a tight grip on Lucy's hand as they weaved their way through the busy stalls. Together they laughed at the amusing, unrealistic figurines of all their Guild mates and admired the multitude of handmade goods.

"Look at this!" Lucy pointed to a set of double swords with awe.

"Yeah?" Natsu nodded in approval. "Looks like something Erza would like. Should we show her?"

"I meant for me dingus." Lucy pouted.

"Since when are you the sword expert?" He scoffed, but immediately wished he hadn't.

"Excuse me?" Lucy seemed offended, but kept her cool. "I have been practicing with blades ever since you left."

With the mention of Natsu's disappearance, he knew to take a step back, this was still a sore area for her. "Sorry, I saw swords and immediately thought Erza. My bad."

Lucy glared at him, but let it go. It wasn't his fault for not remembering her twin blades, especially because she only used them when she was in her Cancer Star Dress. She wasn't even sure if Natsu had ever seen her use them before.

Even so, the silver twin blades caught her eye. Of course she could always summon her own from the Spirit world, but it might be nice to have a physical pair just in case she didn't have enough magic. Making her decision, she bought the blades and slid them into her belt for safe keeping.

As she did this, her fingers slid across her keys and she couldn't help notice the empty spot. The vacant spot where Aquarius's key once sat. The key her mother gave personally to her, one of the few things she had left from her mother. Her mother...her mother!

Lucy suddenly remembered her dream! She had an entire conversation with her in the garden.

"Luce?" Natsu noticed Lucy staring off into space and squeezed her hand lightly. His action caught her attention and she took a breath.

"Sorry Natsu, I just remembered something. That's all."

"What did you remember?" He asked.

"I had a dream about my mother last night."

"That's not uncommon. You have dreams about her all the time right?" Natsu seemed confused.

"Yeah, but usually my dreams of her are all the same. But this one was different."

"How so?"

"It seemed like a memory. Just a normal day playing out as if nothing was wrong. We just talked to each other and she said..." Lucy stopped.

"What? What did she say?" Natsu was curious to hear what she had said.

"I can't really remember. It's all fuzzy from there." Lucy rubbed her temple.

"Awe...buzzkill. You got me all worked up and you don't even remember? Lame." Natsu sighed.

"Hey, I wish I could remember too. It seemed important too..."

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now