Drowned in Darkness

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Hey everyone! I know some of you are probably wondering why I don't say "Kon'ichiwa mina" and other Japanese words, the answer is simple. First, some people don't know what these words mean. Second, I cant spell them...

I dedicate this chapter to Tsundenierxx!

Its my birthday! Sweet 16!

Grey's POV

They wandered aimlessly through the dense forest, everything was dark and silent. Grey was abhorred by Natsu's previous actions, it scared him that his best friend would attack him. Yes, they argued and fought constantly, but that was just play. The furious look in his eyes, the anger at which he thrashed out, it wasn't the Natsu he knew at all. He would never hurt his friends.

They walked in silence, when he saw Wendy holding her arm in pain.

"Wendy, what happened to your arm?" He asked.

Wendy, regretting that she had been seen put on a smile.
"Oh, nothing its just a little sore."

Ahead of them Natsu stopped and turned to Wendy is sadness. He walked up to her and bent to her level, taking her arm gently he saw it was badly burned. The skin was fiercely red, blistered and scabbed.

"I did this..." Natsu gasped.

"No, its okay. I know you didn't mean to!" She tried to defend him.

"No, its my fault. I'm sorry." No one could see his face.

Grey put a hand on his shoulder and yelled.
"Just pull your self together, no one blames you!"

Grey watched Natsu slowly nodded and stood. Again they walked, the only noise was the rustling of the wind and leaves under their feet. They were running out of time, the sun was starting to set and the sky grew darker every minuet. The letter said that "drowned in darkness", that had to mean that something bad would happen when night came. They had to find Lucy, before the sun completely set.

Thou the time was urgent, there was not one sign of Lucy. After a while, Grey even thought if giving up and going back. Then his mind remembered that this was their last chance to find Lucy, after this she would be killed. He couldn't give up an her now. Lucy was like his little sister and he was not willing to let another family member die.

Examining his surroundings they entered a small clearing, the stars glistened from the night sky. He heard rushing water coming from a large ditch in the center of e clearing. He heard a sniffing noise come from beside him as Natsu smelled the air, then he froze and charged forward.

"Natsu!" Erza called after him.

But he kept running, towards the whole in the ground.

"Whats up with him?" Grey asked.

"I smell Lucy!" Wendy's eyes lit up as she ran after Natsu.

Hope filled Greys heart as they all ran after the pyromaniac. He stopped at the edge of the whole, looking down into the water. There she was, her eyes lifeless, body crumpled and life drained. Water reached her waist, as she was strapped to the wall behind her. Tear stains coated her soft cheeks. The entire image made his heart stop. He just stood there in shock that one of his best friends was in such a terrible state.

He watched as Natsu splashed into the water, running desperately trying to reach Lucy.

Natsu's POV

As he walked he smelled something familiar, something that made his heart leap. This smell was indescribable, but he knew exactly what it was...who it was. Without a second thought he surged forward running towards the sound of water.

"Natsu!" He heard Erza's call but ignored it, only trying to get his Lucy.

The water was about knee beep, but Lucy sitting down it resided around her waist. Not bothering to observe any other of her injuries he automatically pulled her into a bear hug. Though he knew she was hurt, he held her gently, like she could break at any second. For all he knew, she might.

It was at that second that he let all his tears flow, knowing what he did last time he saw her, it was unforgivable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." He sobbed into her hair. "I didn't mean anything I said, it wasn't me. I'm sorry."

He noticed Lucy wasn't moving at all, she just sat there despite her situation. He grasped her shoulders, trying to make her wake up. But her eyes lay open and lifeless.

"Come on Lucy, wake up!" He shook her.

The longer she didn't stir, the harder and more desperate he became.

"Stop faking it Luce, you have to stay with me." He yelled.

Slowly he saw her blink, a simple closing and opening her her eyes. This was enough to convince him of her life. But when her eyes opened the second time her was her, her eyes turned from cold to bright. The old Luce he knew was still with him.

"...Natsu? What are you doing here...? Her voice was soft and horse.

"What are you talking about?! Of corse I came! No way I wouldn't find you!" He yelled in frustration, more to himself.

"But-" She tied.

"Don't even think for a second that what that fake Natsu said to you was true!"

"Fake...?" Her eyes widened in shock.

"Yes." He pulled her back into a tight embrace.

"Now lets go home." He stood, ready to release her from her bondage.

"Congratulations, you found your star." Natsu stopped, looking up he saw a flash on white. Standing there was Cloven.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now