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This might not be the best chapter because I am getting ready to write the next few chapters! So these might feel a bit rushed or crappy, only because the next ones are going to be amazing! I guarantee it!

I dedicate this chapter to cookies21000!

Just you wait for it...don't skip!


Wendy's POV

It was a three hour train ride the Eternal volcano. Wendy couldn't help but feel bad for Natsu, it seemed they were just running in circles and every time they moved he was sick. Currently he saw sprawled out on the seat in front of her as Happy patted his head trying his best to comfort him. They were lucky enough to get two compartments, as no one wanted to visit an active volcano. So Erza and Grey were in the other room as she was left a grumbling Natsu.

Happy jumped across to their side of the seats and sat himself next to Charlie, his face solemn.

"Whats wrong Happy?" Wendy asked.

"I'm just worried about Natsu." He sighed.

"I'm sure he will be fine. I don't know anyone else more determined to find Lucy." She smiled.

"Thats not what I'm worried about. I've never seen him like this before, he is so...depressed."

"Yes, but he is strong and once we find Lucy he will go back to normal, I'm sure of it!"

"She is right, you shouldn't worry. He'll be fine." Charlie crossed her arms and huffed.

"Yeah..." Happy sighed, not knowing what to think.

Truth be told, Wendy had noticed an odd demeanor about Natsu as well. The last time Lucy had been abducted Natsu wouldn't eat, sleep or rest until he found her. Now all he was doing was sulking, it wasn't like him at all to act like this.

Then Wendy noticed the compartment door slowly slide to the side to reveal Grey standing in the door way.

"Hey, I cant handle sitting with her anymore." Grey's hair was disheveled, his face a one of pleading. "Please switch with me!"

"You actually want to be in the same room with Natsu?!" She asked shocked.

"Anything to get away from her!" He begged.

"Alright." Wendy stood and waltzed to the other room, where Erza dwelled.

Erza sat, arms crossed. Wendy could tell she was in a foul mood and not to bother her. Slowly, trying not to be noticed she glided across the cabin and resided to her seat. What did he do to make her to mad?

The rest of the train ride was short, once she made herself comfortable Wendy had fallen right to sleep. Now they were walking through the empty streets of Kristov, just beyond the city was the volcano. As they went something shook the ground, it was violent and rough. All the residence screamed, covering their heads, trying to find cover. As suddenly as it started, it stopped. Everything was quiet.

"What was that?!" Natsu asked.

But he got his answer from the towns peoples cries.

"There it is again!"

"Is even more strong this time!"

"This is just like before!"

"Its coming!"

Their shrieks of terror sounded throughout the entire city.

Erza walked up to one of the frightened townsfolk and asked politely what was going on.

"The volcano! Its going to blow!" He screamed.

The volcano explode? But thats where Lucy was! It could explode, not when she was inside!

"Come on we have to get there before it goes!" Grey ushered everyone along, up towards the towering mountain.

There were more shakings, they became even more frequent and treacherous the further they went. The slope was steep but fortunately for Wendy, Charlie was kind enough to carry her. They all ran as fast as they could, but it didn't seem like they were getting any closer. Exact the opposite, the top was slowly slipping away from them, pushing them to run even faster. Wendy noticed a dark spot on the side of the slope, it drew closer, approaching fast. Soon enough it was upon them, they were all sucked into the black whole, landing on a hardy rocky surface.

Rubbing her bottom she examined her surroundings to find she was inside the volcano, an alcove against the wall observing the boiling hot mass below. It bubbled and bobbed, glowing heat radiated off the surface. The heat of the room intensified tenfold, she started to sweat immediately. Her breath became harsh and deep from the thickness of the heat, it was absolutely overwhelming.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Even I cant touch that." Natsu gaped in awe.

"I believe its called lava, now lets get going. This thing could blow at any minuet." Erza marched on.

As they walked more earthquakes erupted, but now Wendy could tell that these shakes were coming deep from within the mouth of the volcano as it roared. Then she saw it, plain masked, clothed in white, blowing in the wind. His figure was as clear as the moon on a cloudless sky, he stood tall and proud.

"Again you are too slow, the star is gone." His voice boomed low and distinct.

"Why are you here, just give us Lucy back!" Natsu shouted in frustration.

"Its not my fault you didn't make in time." Cloven pointed out.

"It might be better if you gave us a timer next time." Gray suggested.

"Alright, starting tomorrow at midnight you have 24 hours to find your star." He sneered.

"Thats not enough time!" Wendy argued. But it was pointless because he was already gone as he slowly dissipated into the scenery.

"Lets worry about that later, now lets get out of here before we all get fried!" Grey shouted.

Without a second thought they all ran back out of the cave and bolted down the side of the mountain. They reached the city in what seemed like a second, due to their pumped adrenaline. But fortunately all the villagers had already evacuated, so they ran into the cover of the forest and kept running until they reached a safe distance from the explosion.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now