Unraveled Clue

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Oh, man thank you all so much! This book has already gotten 1,000 views! I couldn't have don't it without any of my amazing readers, so thank you so much! Honestly I never thought I would get this far.

I dedicate this chapter to truth000!

I just want to point out one thing...why don't Natsu's clothes burn?

Happy's POV

He had never seen his partner so...so sad or helpless. Happy never wanted to see Natsu this way, he hardly talked or even smiled. His face was always emotionless or fixed with frustration.

The group had decided to regroup at the hotel from the day before, all sitting on the floor circled around the letter they received on the mountain.

"Another riddle." Grey sighed.

"What do you think it means?" Wendy asked.

"Well it obviously will tell us the next location to where Lucy is." Charlie pointed out.

"She is right, but this time we have to move faster. We cant afford to miss her again." Erza patted her fist into her opposite hand.

"Then lets start with reading it." Wendy suggested.

Dear Fairy Tail,

You failed, fail again and you might just lose your precious star. Be more careful next time, be sure not to stall your adventure. Your star has been moved to a place of eternal flames, where heat never dies, find this place in time and you can have your star. If you miss it two more times, this start will become mine. I know you don't want this, so hurry up.

Cloven Shade

"The first part is obvious, but eternal flames? That could be anything." Grey stated.

"Maybe a geyser, hot spring or even..."

"A volcano." Natsu spoke up for his corner. His legs were held up to his chest and head resting on his knees, but his voice was strong.

"Natsu, how is it that you know all the answers?! You are hardly even listening!" Happy argued.

"I don't know, it just seems easy to me." He shrugged.

"Well passing that, where are all the volcanoes in Fiore?" Erza asked.

"You expect us to know?" Grey sighed.

"Then lets go to a shop and find a map." Charlie suggested.

"Good idea." Wendy cheered.

They all stood from their places on the floor and left the room. Deciding to split up they all parted way to find a map, everyone to themselves. Although Happy went with Natsu while Charlie with her dragon slayer.

Happy and Natsu walked aimlessly for a while before they finally remembered their mission and found a convenience store. It was a small shop, all the shelves filled with food and other random accessories.

"Where do you think we would find a map?" Happy asked.

"I don't know."

Then a girl wearing a blue uniform waltzed up to them, she was quite petite with short brown hair. But her big smile beheld their gloomy mood.

"Hello, is there anything I can help to two find?" Her voice was sweet and friendly.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Natsu mumbled, not wanting to interact with anyone at the moment.

"And what would that be sir?"

"Um, a map." He grumbled.

"Of corse, right this way please." Continuing to smile she lead them through series of isles and stopped in front of a certain shelf. Holding her hand toward the stack she smiled again. "Here you are. Will that be all?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Nodding, she pranced of with a slight hop to her stride.

"She is weird." Happy teased.

"Agreed." Natsu sneered.

"What kind of map did Erza want? You know she will be mad if we get the wrong one." He shivered at the thought.

"Yeah, lets the most basic one. She did say all of Fiore, so a map of all Fiore!" Natsu picked up a map that looked about right, proud of his decision.

"Then hurry up, lets get back to everyone! We have to hurry and find Lushie!" Happy sprouted his wings and flew towards the cashier.

After they had payed for the map, they all met back at the hotel. Surprisingly Natsu and him were the only two with a map, hopefully it was the right one.

"There are four Volcanoes?!" Wendy gasped as they all observed the map, sitting back in the hotel.

"We cant check them all in time!"

"We should split up." Grey suggested.

"No, we stick together. We just have to eliminate the ones we she wont be at." Erza demanded.

"Well how do we do that?!" Natsu pulled his hair in frustration.

"The Crescent volcano is long been dead, so they wouldn't put her there because there is no risk like there was on the mountain. Also the Eclipse volcano is too far away, that leaves two left."

"Look this volcano is called the Eternal volcano!" Happy pointed.

"Happy, your a genius! In the letter it said eternal flames, great job!"

Smiling with glee, they now had their destination. All with determination in their hearts they set off on another journey to get their friend back as soon as possible.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now