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I apologize in advance, this is a pretty depressing chapter. You are all going to be very angry at me after you read this. You are going to want murder me, but not because then I wont be able to write the next chapters and it would end "not so happy". So please don't kill the author, it will get better.

I dedicate this chapter to Ani_Walker!

Thank you for all you stories!

Natsu's POV

There she was laying right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it. She was so broken and now Natsu was doing unwilled movements. He was standing right above Lucy yet she continued to stare straight ahead as if she was in a daze.

"Lucy." He heard his own voice, but didn't say it himself. Why couldn't he move?! It felt like something else was controlling him, but he was still seeing through his own eyes.

"Lucy!" He yelled.

The body bellow him stirred, her eyes drifted up to him. Then widened in recognition of her best friend.

"How could you?" What?! What was he saying now? "You left, and its your fault you ended up like this!"

No he didn't mean this, this isn't right! He wasn't saying this, its wasn't him!

"Your weakness is what got you here, in fact I'm glad your gone! Its great to not have that weight on my shoulders anymore, I don't have to run to your rescue you anymore or have to worry. I feel so free, its amazing! This was the perfect situation too, now I don't have to get rid of you myself. I was going to go on a mission and make it look like an accident, maybe sulk for a few days and then? I'm on my own again!"

Lucy's eyes were filled with shock, pain and horror. Just this face broke Natsu's heart, this was all wrong. It wasn't supposed to be like this!

"I only came here to tell you, so don't bother waiting for us anymore."

Tears formed in Lucy's eyes, her head lay on the ground, no longer was she looking at Natsu. But the ground, trying to find any small amount of comfort in the earth.

Natsu felt a strong wind blow from deeper inside the cave, then there he stood. Cloven he was inches from Natsu's face, in normal circumstances he would have freaked out and jumped away. But he just stood there, starring into Cloven's dark eyes that peered through the wholes in his white mask.

"You found her, congratulations." He head him chuckle. "But you didn't come here to take her away, did you?"

Natsu shook his head. No! Thats exactly what he came for!

"Well, I will just take Lucy away now." He unlocked Lucy's delicate limbs and scooped her up. Lucy's body was limp and as her arm fell down with gravity.

"Good bye, Dragoneel." He walked away deeper into the tunnel, Lucy's arms swayed with each step.

Bring her back! Don't touch her with your filthy hands! How dare you do this to Lucy, she doesn't deserve this! Let her go! Why are you doing this?! I didn't mean anything I said, Lucy I love you! Bring Lucy back!

Lucy's POV

"Lucy." Lucy was shaken from her daze, it was probably Cloven come back to haunt her, she stayed still not wanting what was coming.

"Lucy!" This didn't sound like Cloven, it was a younger voice. She looked up to the figure standing above her, it was Natsu! They had come, she knew he would come for her! He always did.

"How could you?" His face turned mad.


"You left, and its your fault you ended up like this!" He yelled.

Was this really the Natsu she knew?

"Your weakness is what got you here, in fact I'm glad your gone! Its great to not have that weight on my shoulders anymore, I don't have to run to your rescue anymore or have to worry. I feel so free, its amazing! This was the perfect situation too, now I don't have to get rid of you myself."

At this point Lucy's heart shattered, hearing these harsh words was worse than dying a hundred times.

"I was going to go on a mission and make it look like an accident, maybe sulk for a few days and then? I'm on my own again!"

He was planning on getting rid of her from the very start?! It was all an act? Everything?! How could he?! How could he pretend to be her friend and do something as terrible as this?! She felt tears fall, she tried to drown out the sound, not wanting to hear any more pain.

"I only came here to tell you, so don't bother waiting for us anymore."

She wanted him to leave, leave so she could die.

A wind ruffled Lucy's hair as Cloven appeared in front of Natsu. They stood there for a second starring at each other, then said mumbled words that she didn't hear. The clasps holding her to the walls were unclipped and she was taken away from her "partner" and deeper into the darkness.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now