Chapter Four

139 8 0

Finished - Mar 30, 2021

Word Count - 1850 

Music -  Audiomachine - Secrets and Treasures


Natsu was rudely awoken from his sleep by his lacrima, it was only 7:00am! He should definitely still be sleeping, why on earth was someone messaging him?

Lazily he swung himself out of his hammock bed and picked up the glowing, beeping lacrima. Upon his touch the crystal stopped its repetitive noise, a picture appearing on its reflective surface. He saw Mira's face show clearly in the orb. Her expression looked tense and dead serious. This caught Natsu off guard and he was suddenly not tired anymore.

"Report to the Guild Hall immediately, Masters orders." Mira's voice seemed shaky and nervous.

"Hear that Happy?" Natsu called to his furry companion, who was obviously still asleep on his perch.

"Happy..." Natsu tried again, but it didn't stir the snoring cat.

Sighing, Natsu dressed himself, scooped up Happy and made his way towards the Guild.

Once at the doors he saw Erza, he called to her and jogged towards her.

"Hey, do you know what is going on?" He asked.

Erza simply shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me."

Realizing they were both in the dark, they entered the guild together. Inside most of the Guild had already arrived and were patiently waiting for the Master to reveal the reason they were all called together so early in the morning.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" Happy asked.

It was true, the room was unusually dull. This fact alone proved that something serious was happening, for Fairytail was never "patient". They never sat down at tables making small talk. But at this moment, they were. Everyone was too anxious to hear what was going on.

Natsu and Erza joined a table with Grey and Wendy. "Hey guys."

"Do you know why we were all called here?" Erza asked the group.

"I was here with Mira this morning, together we found a strange letter in the mail." Wendy explained.

"Strange how?" Happy asked from atop of Natsu's head.

"It didn't look like a mission quest, or even a help request. It didn't have any return address on it, no name of any kind."

"That is weird." Grey folded his arms across his chest.

"Have you guys seen Lucy?" Natsu asked.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her yet today." Charlie looked around the large room.

"She should have gotten the message Mira sent, it went to every Guild member." Grey addressed.

"Then why isn't she here yet?" Erza eyes also scanned the Hall.

"Maybe she slept through the notification. I'll go get her." Natsu stood from the table, ready to run to her apartment.

"Natsu, everyone else is her, the Master could tell us his news any minute." Happy reminded him.

"That's okay, you guys can fill me in later. I'll just check on her really quick." Natsu made his way towards the front doors when he heard his name called.

"Natsu Dragneel." The tone his name was called was deep and serious, therefore he quickly turned around to see who had called him. Standing on the second floor railing was the Master, his eyes staring soberly into Natsu. "Stay. You need to hear what I have to say."

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora