Journey to Nothing

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I don't like the new update! It is making everything ten times harder to publish chapters! Two lines will turn everything into one once you save it and I have to fix to every time!!! I am so frustrated, so sorry if this chapter is crapy and super late...

I dedicate this chapter to NatsuxLucy101!

Anyone else frustrated? Or is it just me?

Natsu's POV

Freed from the metal prison of sickness, Natsu ran jet speed out of the train. Eager to breath the fresh air of summer, but as he exited, the smell he inhaled was far from sweet. Cold filled his body and wind swept over his underdressed body.

"What is this?!" He screamed out loud.

"Calm down Natsu! Don't you remember this is where the hint lead us." Erza appeared behind him, dressed in her "winter" armor.

"Yeah, you were the one to think on it." Grey came up, joining the conversation.

"Natsu actually though of something good for once!" Happy replied, resting by his feet.

"I did something smart, well don't seek so surprised!" Natsu hollered back at them.

"Shouldn't we focus on finding Lucy?" Wendy asked politely.

"Yes, lets get going and find somewhere warm to stay." Erza scurried off to the nearest building, hoping it was a hotel.

It took a while to find a place that accepted "pets", even though Happy insisted that he wasnt an animal and pee on everything. The best they could do was three bedrooms, one for the girls and one for Natsu and Grey, as they refused to share a room.

As night crawled up the evening sky, Natsu could only think of one thing. Lucy. How was she? Would she be alright? Would they get there in time? Pointless questions filled his turning brain, blocking out any other ideas of happiness.

Natsu sat next to the window, observing the stars. They reminded him so much of Lucy, but at the moment any little thing would. Why was she overtaking his mind, outlawing any other thoughts besides her own? He couldn't seem to get her out of his head, in one way or another she was always there. Why was that? It must be because of the mission, how it all revolved around Lucy, so he had to think about her.

"Natsu, come on! Its late!" Happy complained from behind him.

"Sorry, I'm just not tired yet." Natsu apologized.

"Okay, well Im turning off the lights."

The lights went out as the stars seemed to glow even brighter. Tomorrow was the day they would find Lucy, the day she would be safe again. The lights going out was the start to a new day.


Natsu was cold, he hardly ever got chilly so this was a semi-new experience to him. Curling up his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs her drew them close, trying to conceal the heat he had, the he remembered he was a fire mage and simply heated his core to a comfortable temperature.


Opening his eyes he realized he must have fallen asleep sitting at the hotel window, no wonder he was cold. He had left the window open and let wind blow the white curtains to the side like flags. Closing the window he stood from his place and strode to the bathroom, preparing to get ready for the day ahead of him.

Since he slept in his clothes, he decided not to change. Why not? They still looked clean. Looking at his tired face in the mirror he slid his fingers through his spiky hair, giving a slight huff, he could never seem to do anything with it. Even when he actually tried, it would find a way to stick back up again.

Deciding he didn't care what he looked like, he grabbed the snoring Happy and trotted down the stairs hoping to get some breakfast. Around one of the small wooden tables sat Erza, Wendy and Grey. For a brief moment he wondered where Lucy was, then the reality flooded back to him like a stab in the heart.

"We better get to this mountain, we cant waist anymore time here for silly reasons." Erza stood from her place.

"But we just got here, can't we just grab something for the road?" Natsu pleaded.

"No! It was your fault for sleeping in do late, we were all waiting for you!" She screamed back.

Shrinking into the sight of a little child, her agreed, trying not to anger any further. But sighing he defeat he tried to push away his hunger.

They walked out of the hotel and to a wagon station, this would be where they would find a coach to drive them to the top of the mountain. The thought alone was enough to put Natsu on edge, but he agreed only because it was the fastest way to get to Lucy.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora