Light to the Dark

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Are any of you guys caught up with the Fairy Tail chapters? I wont give any spoilers, but oh my goodness!!! The feels man! I am dying every week for the new chapter, Hiro has really got us on the edge of our seats. I can feel the NaLu cannon closing in, it cant be too far away now! Gya!!

I dedicate this chapter to fairy_tail_world!

Read the chapters, you will die!

Natsu's POV

One second he saw happy, holding Lucy in his arms only happy that she was alive. The next he saw a flash and stabbing pain on his right shoulder. Lucy screamed and the laughter of a voice that would never seem to disappear. Natsu knew this laugh, prayed he would never hear it again. But there it was, taunting him. Cloven.

He gripped Lucy arms, trying to forget his pain in her comfort. But knowing the fact that this man had done so much to the one he loved, he couldn't let it stand. He let Lucy gently down on the grass, she needed rest and he needed to finish this.

"Cloven, you-" Natsu tried to stand back up and fight, but a sudden shot of nausea pulsed threw his body. He fell back down, holding his head.

"Natsu?" Lucy chocked.

"Did you really think I would let you go that easily?" The new devilish version of Cloven gawffed.

"What did you do?!" Erza demanded.

"That flimsy little knife? Just a small concoction of my own, but to any human...its lethal." Cloven's eyes wide and crazed. His face flourished with madness. His entire presence had a essence of insanity.

Natsu clung to his head in pain, he now could feel the poison slowly flowing to every inch of his body. Spreading outwards from the stab wound. It was excruciating, but he wouldn't scream, not to let that monster have any more pleasure. But he let out a slight jolt, when Lucy pulled the knife out from his back. He could tell her hands were shaking and weak, just that small effort took all her energy and she collapsed next to him. They were now both down, unable to fight.

"One down, three to go." Cloven whispered to himself.

"What about me?!" Happy yelled angrily from Natsu's side, but he was ignored.

"Not on our watch, you have too many of our friends!" Natsu watched helplessly as Grey stood in front of them.

"We protect our family, and you have done too much!" Erza pulled out her swords and transformed into a more suitable armor set. Both mages charged at the deranged captor, his movements were clumsy but yet evasive. Birds flew in all directions, sending ash and dirt everywhere.

Meanwhile Wendy rushed to him and Lucy, she immediately started at Lucy's more serious of wounds. But she was stopped, Lucy whispered something into her hear that even Natsu couldn't hear. Frowning, Wendy nodded and transferred her healing to Natsu.

"W-What are y-you doing?" He coughed.

Wendy just stayed silent, focused on the complicated magic she was performing. Natsu turned his head to Lucy, she was looking at him a smile on her face. Not a sad or pained, but one of content and peace. Which seemed out of place for the moment. She reached her arm out towards his, brushing up against his hand. Slowly, their fingers laced together. The entire battle field disappeared, in their minds they were the only two people in the Earthland.

"I might not have another time to say this, but thanks you." Lucys voice was quiet and soft. "Natsu, you have always been there for me and Im scared that later you wont be! It broke me when you said those things back in the cave, I really thought...that- " Tears came from her eyes, and her gentle voice faltered. "What Im really trying to say is, I love you. I love you and I don't want you to go. I don't care if you feel the same way, just please don't leave me alone again!"

Natsu lay there, next to the person he loved and almost lost. To hear these words was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. But he didn't know how to respond, he couldn't move, couldn't speak. He just stayed there starring into Lucy's watering eyes.

He gripped Lucy's hand tighter and gave her a grin, the best one he could muster under the poison.
"I will never leave you alone again."

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now