Safe at Last

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I have really stalled to publish this chapter, because I think it might be the last!! It makes me so sad that it is ending that I didn't want want it to come so soon. So I really procrastinated on this chapter in particular. I might do one more, but we'll see how this one goes.

I dedicate this chapter to my best friend StarFallenAlice!

I love you all!

Natsu's POV

The only word that filled his brain was pain, this stupid poison was terrible. It stopped Natsu from moving let alone fighting. He was hopeless, lying there letting Lucy down. He had to pull through for her. But at the moment he was more focused on living than anything else. This poison could easily kill him. Suddenly he felt light, the warmth on his face and a sense of happiness. It seemed odd for this type of scene, but he welcomed the strange feeling. He felt the pain leave him, giving him a sense of relief. With the last amount of strength he lifted his eye lids to see Wendy run over to him and Lucy fall to the grass, her hair flowing behind her as she did. Watching her fall, Natsu strength left him and he felt into sleep.


Natsu opened his eyes to a much quieter scene, the white walls of the familiar guild infirmary. It was a welcoming sight, the room was bright and comforting, he had woken up in this room many times and every time a relief. But he wondered why he was here in the first place, what got him here? Then all the memories of Cloven and Lucy hit him like a shot in the heart. The threw the covers off himself and sat up straight.

But as soon as he did so, he stopped. There she was, in the bed next to his own. Pale face, bandaged from head to toe, but breathing in and out. Lucy slowly inhaled and exhaled, gently and softly. He continued to watch her, lost in her sweet face. He could only imagine all the terrible things she had gone through and he couldn't stop him.

It was then when he realized he was crying, crying from happiness, sadness, anger and every emotion he had held in for the last month.

"Natsu...?" A small voiced echoed.

He snapped his head up to see Lucy, she must have woken due to his cries. He leaped from his place in the white sheets and grasped her in a tight embrace.

"Lucy, I'm sorry. Im so sorry, I couldn't save you in time." He sobbed.

"What are you talking about? You saved me, if you hadn't have been there I would have died. I'm alive right? Its because of you that I am still here now. You have nothing to be sorry about." Lucy reassured him, her soft voice horse and chalky.

"Luce, I never had the chance to tell you. But I love you! I always did, I never liked anyone else. It was always you." Lucy's eyes widened in surprise. "After you told me what you did before, its finally given me the courage to tell you now! I love you Lucy Heartfilia. I'm tired of waiting and I want you to be with me for the rest of forever. I almost lost you and that will never happen again!"

By the time he was done with his speech, both parties were in tears. Lucy burst and leaned against his chest for comfort.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" Natsu started to panic.

But Lucy turned her head up to his, her eyes soft and warm.
"I'm not sad, I'm just really happy."

"I love you." Natsu sighed as he continued to cradle her.

Lucy let out a cry-giggle, as she laughed into his shoulder.
"I have something for you." Lucy remembered.

"What?" Natsu asked, surprised.

"I got it for you at the market, but never had the chance to give it to you." She pointed to the side table of the bed where she resided.

Resting on the table was a small dragon figurine, it already looked old and recked. It was covered in dirt and had pieces missing, the sight of it was horrid. She must have had it with her when she was taken, this small figure showed the physical damage that Lucy had taken in this long month. Once again, guilt filled Natsu's body, but it was overcome with joy by the fact that she was now safe in his arms.

"Luce..." He was at a loss for words as he continued to stare at the small dragon.

"I bought it at the market only a while ago, but its ruined now. I wanted it to be a surprise, I'm sorry." She apologized, water leaking from her eyes.

"Hey! That was not your fault! You didn't chose to be taken by that creep, he took by force. You are strong, you didn't let him get to you. You did your best." Natsu shook her shoulders.

"I did, I didn't want to go. He did terrible things!!" Lucy broke, finally letting all her emotions flow. "I cry so much, Im awful."

"The only things thats awful, is the horrible things he did. You're home."

She looked up at him, face full of tears.
"Yeah. I'm home."

The two mages, stayed there in perfect harmony. Soon sleep overtook them and they lay side by side in the peaceful room, the game was over. The trials continue, but for the moment,

safe at last.


Thats it, I finally finished! This was a long book, with so many twists and turns. I loved writing it and I hope everyone else loved to read it. I didn't really know how to end this one, but I think it ended well. Please tell me how you liked it!

Also I am thinking about maybe writing a sequel, after I finish Land of the Ashen. But if you want one, please tell me!

Last thing, I forgot to say this earlier. But all credit for the creation of Fairy Tail and the character of Nastu and Lucy, and the whole reason any of us are reading this in the first place all goes to Hiro Mashima. He is amazing, and truly my hero. Its all thanks to him that made this all possible.


(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now