Froced Impression

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I have to apologize about the last chapter, I know it was a lot to take in. And for those who were wondering, no, he didn't rape her! Perverts! I just had to make this clear, because I don't know if it was entirely clear before. So yeah...sorry about that.

I dedicate this chapter to regularchick!

I love to write!

Natsu's POV

He was so sick or trains, he wanted to find every single one of them and light them on fire in a big pile! That was his fourth train in less than a month! But it was for Lucy, he couldn't argue about that, though he seemed even more reluctant to board then usual. Which was odd, mostly he was always so motivated to do anything for Lucy...but not now. Not when she needed him the most.

Team Natsu was stationed near Lucy's next hiding place, once they had gathered themselves another letter had appeared giving them the next clew to her whereabouts. This one lead to an old mine, it hadn't been used in years due to it collapsing and crushing too many workers. They decided to skip the hotel today and go straight to the mine and search.

The tunnel was cramped, damp and dark. Natsu held a torch in one hand, letting it spread it light for all to see. But it was taking all his willpower not to eat it. They all walked with a sort of hunch as the ceiling grew lower and lower, in parts they even had to crawl on all fours. It was a tight fit but eventually they made there way through the jungle of winding cracks and crannies. It was a time when they were actually inching their way across the ground on their bellies when they came to an opening, revealing a tunnel large enough to stand in.

Natsu stretched his aching back from being hunch over for so long as he fully spread out his arm with a deep breath. But there was no fresh air, it was tainted with dirt and clouded with years of soot. Immediately he choked and coughed on the denseness of the air quality.

"Lets keep moving." Erza pushed them forward.

As they walked there was a terrible shacking as rocks started to fall around them. Everyone fell the the floor, loss of balance from this great shake. Then a huge boulder started to become unloaded in its place, Natsu saw the events before it happened. The rock fell straight for Wendy, but his quick reflexes pushed her out of the way. He lay on lot of her, protecting her from any other oncoming rocks until the horrid trembling ceased.

Looking around Natsu surveyed the surrounding area, the was a giant pile of rocks now blocking the tunnel, but it was in the direction they had just came from. This was good, otherwise they wouldn't be able to find Lucy in time. But there were two problems, first: they wouldn't be able to get out, second: Erza, Charlie and Happy and Grey were missing.

"Happy, Erza, where are you?!" Natsu shouted to the pile of gray rocks. He received no reply. "Charlie! Grey!"

Then he heard sudden sputtering coming from behind the wall. He called again, only this time in relief.

"Natsu? Where are you?" He heard Erza's voice ask. The rocks had blocked his vision of them but he could hear them faintly.

"Wendy and I got caught on the other side of the rubble."

"Are you both alright?"

"Yeah, we're fine."

"Good, listen Natsu. You have to keep going. If we miss Lucy this time we only have one more chance, you and Wendy go ahead. Grey and I will clear the path when you get back."

Agreeing he crouched down to Wendy and held out his hand, she shook her head solemnly.

"I cant Natsu, during the earthquake I twisted my ankle. But Erza is right. You have to go on ahead."

"Go Natsu, we are all counting on you!" He heard Happy's voice of encouragement come from behind the wall.

"Alright." He ran off, growing closer to save Lucy.

The tunnels were still long and he now had to rely on his own magic for light, but the further he walked the weaker he became. He slowly started feel nauseous and light-headed. Slowly a blurry image appeared in the eerie darkness. The colors were diminished, but he made out the shape of a body. Wait, thats what he was looking for! Lucy! How could he have forgotten, he was in the middle of a crutial mission and forgot why he was there.

He sapped his eyes into focus to see...her. It was Lucy she lay on the bottom of the cave floor, her clothes were torn, eyes glazed over in oppression and body looked ragged. If there was a word to describe what he saw it would be...desolation. Just this sight mad the dormant anger inside him flood through his veins, he wanted to roar, to kill Cloven for letting Lucy become like this! But then all his emotions were stopped, it was as though he was suddenly mentally paralyzed. He stood still, the scene swayed and twisted, deforming his sight. He was aware of what was happening around him, but had no control over it. He swiftly walked up to Lucy's body and observed her more, but Natsu wasn't the one doing this.

It was only then when he realized he was no longer in control of his own body.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now