Time of our Life

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You better all be reading these little blurbs I write, because they are my only moment to you! And some of them I try to make you laugh or humorous. But then again most of you think its just a bunch of bla bla bla and skip over it, but I respect my beautiful authors and read these long, boring messages.

I dedicate this chapter to ChiSatO1!

This is my third Fanfic and I hope you all like it!


Lucy's POV

A sunny on a beautiful morning, Lucy walked her usual pace to the guild, but she took her time admiring all the familiar sights around her. It was such a gorgeous day, nothing could spoil it. The river water sparkled as the light reflected off the surface, birds songs filled the air and a warm breeze flew by. Everything was peaceful.

Even Lucy's mind was a ball of energy, she had waited for this day for weeks. Planed, prepared and worked herself to the bone just to get this event ready. It was the annual Fairy Tail Market Day, not the parade, this was only for members. People would set up stands of food, clothing or random things and sell them. It was a very popular event, almost everyone had booth or bought useless things they would only use once.

Lucy was doing a booth of her own, she was doing baked goods. Such as cakes, muffins, cupcakes, cookies and other pastries of the sort. She had been stayed up all night baking her oven raw and her cupboards were now completely empty and vacant of food. She was too excited to let herself be tired, she didn't even feel the exhaustion.

As Lucy approached the guild she entered to see the whole guild was filled with a maze of tables filled with homemade goods. Friends were selling their useless products, she strode over to Levy and her booth.

"Hey, Levy!" She waved threw the bustle of costumers.

"Lu-chan! Its so good to see you, aren't you going to set up your booth? Its almost noon." Levy ran up and tackled her with a hug.

"Yes, but it is after lunch when people get hungry." She reminded her.

"I guess thats true. Any way you should look around, I already did, there is some really cool stuff this year!"

"Alright, thanks. See ya!" Lucy took off to look at all the other booths.

Mira was extremely occupied running the bar, Grey had ice sculptures, (unfortunately they would melt if they got more than 50 meters away from him) Erza had lovely outfits and dresses, Gajeel had a piercing station and Juvia with her umbrellas. It seemed that everyone had something. But others decided not to do a booth at all and just look and shop.

It was starting to get dark as the sun went down filling the sky with all sorts of shades of red, orange and pink. Not wanting it to pitch black, she decided to start her walk home.

"Mira, I am heading home. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye Lucy, good night." An exhausted Mira slumped over the counter from serving more than the average costumes in a day, but she still smiled and waved.

As Lucy touched the handle of the guild doors a voice caught her attention.

"Lucy! Wait a sec." Turning she saw Natsu running up to her.

"Natsu? What is it?"

"You going home now right?" He asked happily, she raised an eyebrow to his question.


"I was just heading out, give me one minute. Be right back, don't leave!" He ran off, leaving a confused Lucy at the door.

After a while she saw Natsu walking back to her, holing a sleeping happy in his hands.

"Lets go!" He smiled.

Sighing, they left guild. The night was still surprisingly warm, everything was so relaxing. She felt so safe with Natsu at her side, like she never had a worry in her life. Sadly their short journey came to an end, right in the front of Lucy's apartment.

"Thanks for walking me home Natsu."

"No problem, I was on my way home anyway." He scratched the back of his head.

"But your house is on they way other side of town..."

"Well, good night Luce! See you in the morning!" He interrupted her comment as he pushed her through the door.

Lucy was a little shocked, but also amused by his childishness. There was no one else in this world who had such a mind as him.

Walking up the stairs to her apartment she unlocked the front door and stepped inside. She placed her keys, both house and celestial, on the table and all the bags of trinkets she had bought from the market in the floor.

But one special bag was placed in the table, it was small and red. Opening the bag, she took out a small dragon figurine, porcelain and fragile to the touch. The red paint coated with flames and grace, the perfect gift for Natsu. She would surprise him with it in the morning when they set out for their special mission.

Tired and ready for bed Lucy started to settle for the coming hours of the night. She dressed into her pajamas that consisted of a button up shirt and long pink pants, brushing her hair she landed into her soft bed. She pulled the blankets over her, laying there she held the miniature dragon slipped into subconsciousness.

(Editing) Hide and Seek: Taken Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now