Chapter Twenty-Six [the first juncture]

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On the night's wings, the innocent fairy flippered away, leaving burning red marks of truth on the body and cold shivers down the spine. All the delicate edges, now furnished with a strange longing for something else. Something already done. Something that would keep her on the edge as the night turning towards the morn.

Her hand rested upon the empty side of the bed right where Taehyung should have been. Right where he was not. It was just the white sunshine speeding through the window, leaving her cold body in flitters of warmth and the sound of morning and the memories of the night in that room.

Now that she thought about it, it felt stupid. Or maybe even a bit disordered to have wanted to stay back from the joy Taehyung could give. He was a spell of magic. With the touch of his fingers, her knees had weakened. It was the absolute control with which he had held her last night, that had pushed the curtains aside from a new him. Even though half of the things skimming across weren't how she had imagined something as emotional as laying with someone would be. It was disgusting and exemplary at the same time. All those little things that they taught each other, while trying not go overboard, that Taehyung did, were a pleasurable combination of bad and good. And in ways she hadn't expected she'd like.

Her heartbeat missed him, throbbing in her sore chest asking for a reason for his absence.

The empty room stared back in her face as she turned to observe the quiet room.

Where was he? Why wasn't he here, beside her, waiting to cuddle her?

Her crestfallen face eloped to one of defeat, as she lay on the bed, bare and mindlessly miserable about nothing in particular.

Hugging the blankets wrapped around her frame, Jangmi stepped out off the bed and escaped into the shower room. The feelings associated with being in the same space as him seemed so different and new.

She peered at her flushed face in the mirror and splashed some water on her cheeks to fight that stupid look she had been unintentionally wearing. Taehyung would guffaw if he saw her looking like that.

This wasn't the right thing to do.

This was exactly what a right thing was meant to do.

This wasn't how she reckoned love to linger.

This was exactly how she had wanted anything to feel.

This wasn't pure.

This was the purest form of love known to skin.

Jangmi struggled into her old jeans and a top to combat the laziness as she returned from the shower, flushed and expecting his shadow to loom around somewhere in the gaps of the flair of the curtains.

Taehyung's room was a different world filled with drapey white curtains and a white bed, which was something she hadn't hoped his to be. It was huge, undoubtedly. But there was this lingering trace of a man who was miles apart from the Taehyung she knew.

Jangmi freed the moist strands of her hair from the hair-knot and checked herself in the grandiose mirror, leaving the room after disappointedly checking it one last time.

He was nowhere to be seen. Unusually so, her heart was as though on the edge of a sea yearning for a drop of water.

She folded her arms across her chest, walking deeper through the puzzling directions. It was easy to lose her way in such a weird mansion but her footsteps were not guided by her conscience today. They were following a weird desire that didn't mind losing the way.

When the voids of the rooms ended, the corridor spread into two paths to the left and right, straying further inside the house.

Jangmi bit her lip hesitantly before following the beat in her chest towards the right side.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now