Chapter Twelve

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A cloud of pale white smoke rushed from between his lips and the ceiling began blurring behind it. The water rippled in the hookah jar as he pulled out enough smoke to fill up his lungs. The darkness sharpened the smoke's presence. Light from the television flickered in the dark room, colouring everything into flashes of whites and reds like the closure to fire. There was a click at the door.

A well dressed man's silhouette appeared like a black and white painting against the light being thrown in by the entrance.

Kairo lifted his sunken eyes to the suited man, smirking as he drew another lump of smoke. He wasn't prepared for what he had done which wasn't like him. But risks were meant to be taken and this time he was certain. That might be the only way to pull the lion out of his den and make him abdicate his throne.

Kim Taehyung. Oh what turmoil his heart was sent into whenever he barely thought about Taehyung and his overly proud ambience. The satisfaction of crushing his pride felt like a distant dream that Kairo was adamant to achieve. His nerves couldn't settle just yet.

"Your departure has been cancelled boss. Should we move ahead with the plan?"

"Not yet son." Kairo sighed heavily, puffing out the remnants of smoke trapped in the tracts of his throat. "Not yet. Give them time to invest. The fun will be unperishable when devoured at the right time."

The skin of his face felt tight and ungiving to smiling. He found no reason to smile whatsoever. The time for him to be happy hadn't arrived yet. He had to hold himself from being overconfident. Every piece of happiness was going to return to him. But with undeniable patience.

Taehyung was going to repent. And very soon indeed.


Taehyung advocated his sight with clear ease as the bow string creaked with the pull. The colour of the red actionwood began enveloping his ground of focus. His breathing stabilized to synchronize so that his attention moved away from everything else in the room. His left eye shut and the bowstring in his hand shot out with a binging sound leaving a negligible handshock on Taehyung's fingers. The aim stabbed into the actionwood, joining the other arrows cluttered in. Taehyung couldn't hold back a smile as he lowered his arm and turned around to accost Jungkook's startled face.

"I've seen you doing this so many times. Why am I not getting over it?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Drop the sham kid. What do you want?" Taehyung mumbled and went ahead to retrieve another arrow from the table to his side. Jungkook's mouth opened defensively, but instead laughed speechlessly at his own lack of defence.

"I'm running low on funds." Confessed he with a meek voice.

"Funds." Taehyung smirked. "Where must you have invested your salary to run low on funds?"

"Uh-I actually...hehe." Jungkook's smile turned watery when he was met with an awaiting look from Don. There was very little to discuss and yet Taehyung was letting him suffer with the lies he was weaving inside his head. Jungkook hated this side of Taehyung, because he never revealed that he already knew things prior just to watch people struggle to keep intact when they lied to his face.

"Okay. I was on crack when it all went away. I don't even remember- fuck!" He staggered back when Taehyung threw a nock that hit him on the forehead. "Ow! Don-ow!" He tried running as several of those came raining on him with loud 'clack' sounds.

The door of the archery room flew open just then and Namjoon rushed inside, still wearing the same tux he had been in at Sulin. His face was charred with disappointment as he went through the door and stopped short at a distance.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now