Chapter Thirty-Six

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The days were a rolling stack of hay, passing with the wind and disappearing at the end of a cliff without any warning. Colors of sky high penitent would come over her like the overshadowing clouds for a few hours and then she'd be in a beeline for her daily routines. These circular motions were beginning to hammer nails on her shoulders.

Jangmi sighed as she put the packet of pasta in her trolley. It had been 2 days since she had met Taehyung and it already felt like the world was devoid of any meaning. Stupid, most assuredly.

In all honesty, she had hoped to shop with him, but upon getting in touch with Seokjin with this idea he had blatantly declined, saying how Taehyung would find it insatiable to walk around the floors of a super mart and instead destroy her experience of grocery shopping too.

She could see where his words were coming from, and yet it would have been better to hear this from Taehyung directly. But how could she? He didn't have anything to be contacted with. Sometimes it seemed impossible to understand that he wasn't sharing his mobile number after all that they did, but still, who knew what his policies were. The least she could do was to be understanding.

Jangmi clenched her fist as she continued walking around the sparkling aisle, trying to suppress the unrest within her.

Her mobile phone buzzed to life just then and for a second her body exploded into fireworks, hoping that maybe Taehyung had somehow found means to contact her now.

The surprise on her face faded when Kobin's name flashed on the screen.

This guy was seriously crazy. What was wrong with him?

Kobin was on a non-stop rampage of texting her and calling her on odd parts of the day and nights with either the drunkenness, or a really really messed up situation when he felt low these few days. He wasn't attending lectures which was a plus, but then again, Jangmi would wake up to a dozen missed calls from him.

On one hand, she was concerned about what was wrong with him, and yet on the other she wanted to kick him in the gut for trying to hassle her the way he was.

Putting the phone to silence, she pushed it back inside the pocket of her jacket, resuming her straddle.

Her heart jumped out of her throat when she saw Kobin standing at the end of the aisle, watching her with eyes that were only touching the hinge of accusing her.

There was no escaping from the fact that he had already seen her avoiding the call.

Jangmi swallowed the dry air trapped in her throat and averted her gaze, flushed like a carrot.

Her mind went wild in that single minute, as she pulled the trolley backwards and tried turning it around to go the other way when she heard Kobin calling out to her.

Shit shit shit! Why was she breaking down in nervousness like that!

Even though desperate for composure, she couldn't help her feet from flying in the other direction. Her body wouldn't give in.

"Hey!" He huffed, standing in the way of her trolley. "I'm here to talk so please stop and hear me out okay?"

He was trying to hold his cool and be as warm as he could get. The sight of his perplexed face caught Jangmi's sympathy off guard.

Kobin looked severely worn out. The lose fit of his grey hoodie made his physique wilt even more. Circles of insomnia were doting under his eyes and he looked malnourished as though less on eating.

Jangmi swallowed her fear and stayed in place.

"I-I just want to apologise to you for whatever happened these days." He said, running his hands through the mess of his hair. "I know I must have scared you with all that. It wasn't my intention."

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now