Chapter Twenty-One

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The more she gazed at the said Lady Velvet, the prettier she seemed. There was no end to the pageantry. Was it just her imagination or was there really nothing flawed about her appearance? Her straight raven hair had been tied back now, revealing all the sharp edges to her face, showcasing various little things that kept her humanly appeal alive, none weighing her down by the slightest inch.

It was a miracle to witness her and yet a curse to be unable to escape.

"Come, caro." Taehyung invited warmly from the table-head. "The dinner's almost ready."

Lady Velvet's sweet smile faded when she glanced at Jangmi at the entrance, shyly cluttered like a mess behind Seokjin's frame. He moved aside, sparing her the aisle to leave. Jangmi nodded and discreetly glared at him who had sadistically told her otherwise upstairs, ruining half of her mood way before than she should have. To abrade the injury, he had even tricked her into believing that she had overdone herself for dinner, leaving her a lot more anxious after seeing Lady Velvet.

Seokjin played the poker smoothly enough compelling Jangmi to silently take the left hand seat, because the right hand had been whisked away by the Velvet Lady. It wasn't as though she wanted to sit there because she was still closer to Taehyung. And neither did she want to look desperate and needy for a speck of his attention.

It was alright. She was a guest and obviously required a right hand seat. It didn't mean anything.

"Joo Hyun." The lady said with a simper when she noticed Jangmi. Her eyes sparkled vivaciously, quickly straddling over Jangmi's minimal attire and crinkling happily.

Jangmi tried to smile.


"I know. Taehyung told me about you." Joo Hyun eyed him as the words fell forward. "I'm surprised to see a woman at the Kim Estate wandering so freely."


"Taehyung is pretty reclusive when it comes to women. You must know that." She replied, as though Jangmi ought to have known that on the first day.

"I-I noticed that."

It was true. Jangmi had noticed how there wasn't a single trace of another woman around him, the exception being the present lady of course but otherwise, there was never a female presence that he had of his own. Taehyung never even smelled like the perfume of another woman which was satisfying.

Joo Hyun couldn't hold back a smile at the mention. Even though her attempt seemed provocative of a warm conversation, Jangmi's inner skin couldn't settle. Sitting before her as a probable competition to a man as Taehyung himself was self-belittling process.

"I am a very important business partner to the Kims. Even my fathers were." Joo Hyun continued. "I suppose he must have mentioned that to you."

No. He did not.

Jangmi swallowed and distractedly looked at Seokjin who pulled a chair beside her to sit at the table. Jangmi noticed Joo Hyun roll her eyes at Seokjin contributing more to her flummoxed mind.

"What do you do Jangmi?" Joo Hyun posed another question. "And what about your family? I've never heard of a Geom in the business."

Damn she was way too inquisitive to be human!

"That is because my family is not in the business. I'm just a normal collegiate." Jangmi answered, poured with fifty percent of the confidence she had been missing. She noticed the animated disappointment on Joo Hyun's face even as she pretended to be hiding it. She was not.

"Oh I see." She shrugged. "Explains why you have such a weird name. A business like ours can never allow such a mind twisting name to exist. "

Was there anything else left to say? She was using the opportunity to put her down as though they were finishing each other in a wrestling match.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora