Chapter Sixteen

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The sound of thunder croaked, leaving the tingling smell of petrichor bouncing off the walls of the wind. The first rain, Jangmi recognised and looked out the window. The month had nestled away in such secret silence that she hadn't even kept tabs on the withering summer heat perforating rain. It was just yesterday that she had jumpstarted an expedition of running from Seokjin in the merciless sun, yet it felt like an ocean of months had passed with the change of weather. Only yesterday that she had dwelt in the lamp-like shade of Taehyung's unwavering gaze. Only a minute since he had smiled at her preposterously. Believing it to be a dream was as easy as staring at the chastened sky through the window but reality stood like the boisterous sound of the thunder.

The quiet of the terrified street settled like a weight on her heart. The sun wasn't going to come anytime soon. It seemed to be the warning of a new start. All the faces now disappeared, fearing the shower would erode their sparkly dreams. Jangmi sat there, saving hers in the cloying silence of the library. The day was as lonely as it could get. First the absence of Chaewon, followed by all her students on leave and then the expectation of rain. After pacing restlessly around the campus, she found it best to delve for ensconce in the college library but now she regretted it for the precipitation. Yujin had accompanied her too but he sat at the far end of the room with a chunk of his friends who had a project to work on that she remembered submitting way back, plus she didn't mind trading him for a window seat.

The side post near the wall of the college fence held a lonely umbrella, the darkest shade of black beside an equally swart car. The man under the umbrella was barely seen. He stood there, unmoving and stoic to the threatening clouds overhead. Another thunder rumbled and Jangmi sighed at her laptop's screen, scrolling towards the next comment. Her capit was yet to fully severe ties with the effects of alcohol, and more than that the embossed stain of Taehyung. Uncannily concentrating on the task at hand, she peered through the image loading on the screen.

Macey Winter, 32, pub dancer.

Were all the participants here forsaken to decent jobs? Everyone on the website was either an escort or in some sort of self-depreciating eye candy kind of job. It could be a problem with the website too, who knew?

Scrolling further, she realised she was looking through the profile of a full fledged woman who deemed to know men in and out by the tip of her fingers and that worried Jangmi. She wasn't conversant with the ways of men and much less with complex creatures like Kim Taehyung. The woman, Marcy, had her last date with a well known gangster who was affluent and pampering, completely contrasting the opinion of the woman with a comment before her. A highly optimistic and sassy woman with the want of monetary luxury and nothing else. Such a bad example of humanity Marcy was.

Jangmi breathed uneasily, erasing the tab from the screen as she went back to her SNS account. It hadn't occured to her before but now that she had the space and clear of the sky to herself, she could illustrate her feelings into words and see the patches in the plaid she had been missing in the haze of the mood until last night. There was so much that kept things from stepping into the light of possibility, towards the hope of being fruitful. Now fear came and realisation washed over. All the flashes of red turned to the color of dread at what she had got herself into. The more she tried to tell herself it was alright, it was not.

With shaking hands, she shut the laptop and put it back in her bag. A hand tapped her table and she looked up and smiled with unprepared surprise.


"Hi there." Jeongshin grinned, placing the plastic coffee cup on the table. "Mind if I join? Were you leaving?"

"No I wasn't leaving." She lied. "Please sit."

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now