Chapter Five

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Jangmi's eyes fluttered open. Fresh sunlight was cascading inside through the translucent curtains. It was morning already. Her headspace was working and she could identify objects around her but that was only so much that her body helped her with. She lay on the bed, still as a stone, unable to wallow out of the notion. Sleep overlaid her. She had to be nowhere though. It was a Saturday. The day when the gods forgot all the sins of the world and granted them the pleasure of resting their tired bodies. A tranquil smile turned her lips. She loved to lie in bed that way and do nothing. That was her long lost dream. No stupid brats to teach, no vexatious campus tours, no unending lectures. Only unadulterated sleep and rest.

Her eyes were about to drift off when a thump restrained her heavy lids. She swallowed and gazed dreamily at the window throwing light inside. That was the only path of sunlight in the entire house which consisted of one bedroom, a bath and living room that adjoined into a kitchen. You couldn't tell them apart. It was the same place made smaller. The rest of the darkness in the house was a forgotten part of Alaska. It never touched natural rays of light inside her house. If the window was ever closed, the house looked like it was raining heavily outside. In winters you could die of frostbites inside the house. During summers, you wouldn't even realise that the seasons changed.

The thumping grew louder and louder until Jangmi's sleep shattered painfully. A whiff of migrane flowed through her temples and the back of her head. Her eyes snapped open, her body receptively jumping up straight in a sitting position. Somebody was banging their fist against her door? The fact that no one in the entire world could do that to her door was the only reason why she had jumped up in bed. Even Junyong knew better than banging her door on a Saturday morning.

"Open the door Jangmi!" The voice commanded. A cold bolt of lightening hit her spine when the voice loudened. What was happening? Why the hell was someone in need of her? Her eyes moved to the clock sitting on the nightstand. It wasn't even eight yet. What in the world?

Her feet touched the cold floor and a shiver emptied itself into her. She bit her teeth and grabbed the nightstand to save herself from going dizzy. When her body adjusted itself out of the inertia she opened her eyes and headed for the caller. Her footsteps thudded on the floor when she reached for the desperate thundering on her front door.

"Open it damn it!"

She flinched.

"Wh-who is this?" Her icy fingers coiled around the doorknob. She leaned her body weight against the door and pressed her ears on it. She cleared her throat and tried once again. "Who-"


"Jaeuk?" She gasped and stepped away from the door instantly as if he could come through the closed door too. What was he doing there? She massaged her chest to console the sudden upheaval of her heart as her eyes stared at the door.

"Jangmi listen." He began in a controlled voice. "I just want to talk. It's very important so please. Open the door."

"How did you find my address?"

"This isn't the time for senseless powow girl." He let out a disgruntled sigh. "Himchan is lying in the hospital all by himself! I need to get there before they try to do something with him." He took a brief pause and Jangmi heard his sigh. "Please open the door. Or we can just talk like this if you want."

"What happened to Himchan?" Jangmi's voice quivered. She knew that Jaeuk was a liar but his brother wasn't a method he would use. He loved his brother too much for that. She moved towards the door and placed her arm on the warm surface of the wood.

"Whoever the fuck Kim Taehyung is." He muttered. "He has been making my life hell ever since that day. Tell him stop this right now. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. I'll stay away but just tell him to stop doing that to Himchan-"

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now