Chapter Six

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"Mr. Kim."

"Mr. Farouq." Taehyung's lips curled into a malicious smile as he watched the man level down on the sofa before him. He had eyes that were too dense. It almost felt stealthy when he looked straight and not at the decorum in the room. He was one of his largest potential deals but his demeanour said otherwise. He looked greedy and unsatisfied like a poor notch. But there were genuinely very few who could overlook the extravaganza of Taehyung's castle. It was next to none. Taehyung relaxed back on the sofa and sighed. His arms crossed at his chest as he repeatedly looked over the Arabic man's frame.

"Wine, Mr. Farouq?"

Mr. Farouq flickered his gaze back and gave away a bashful laugh at his idiocy of gawking.

"Why not?" He forced his chuckle and sighed. His tensed muscular frame now relaxed, his eyes falling down to the bottle of wine sitting between them on the small glass table. "Your wine must taste great too."

Taehyung chuckled nonchalantly and eyed Namjoon. The man picked up the action and moved to the table, popping the bottles and pouring them their drinks. Kairo Farouq fetched his flute before Taehyung could grab his. An annoyed smile spread on Taehyung's lips. Good thing he wasn't staying back for dinner.

"With all due respect, I think that you've learnt well in managing the mafia."

"That I have." Taehyung shrugged sipping the sour liquid. He wanted this to finish as quickly as possible. After all, little miss precious had been led to the trap very successfully.

"The painting is an exquisite one I must say." Mr. Farouq cackled with a glint of amusement in his tone as he stared at the wall. Taehyung regarded his short lived mirth with a tight smile. Who the fuck cared about a naked woman's painting in a house with details extravagant than the diamond button on his suit?

"It was a present for my late father from one of his romantic trysts."

"Oh." Mr. Farouq's eyebrows rose before a shot of laugh scooted out of his mouth. "Your father had some wild trysts."

Taehyung puckered his lips and eyed the drink swirling in his hands. He knew exactly where this man would take the conversation to if Taehyung held up any longer.

He wouldn't have bothered continuing the deal if Taehyung hadn't already signed a deal with the late Ahemad Farouq. The Kims had been into Farouq dealings ever since Taehyung could remember. Even though Taehyung disregarded everything his father did, he was impressed with the Farouq deals signed. The impression and favour however went downhill after Kairo Farouq succeeded Ahemad Farouq. The man was a snitch. He had his eyes on Taehyung's repute and wealth ever since he had laid eyes on Taehyung's epitomized position in the Mafia Kingdom. Taehyung had to hold back a scoff when he saw him. Build with no brains, that was what this man was. All he had to do was find a way to eliminate him. But he was going to do that after he had all his women back.

"About the deal, Mr. Farouq." Taehyung sighed, swirling the glass as he maintained strict eye contact with him. Mr. Farouq's eyes widened and his muscles shifted. Taehyung sucked at his lower lip and headed on. "You mentioned a defect." The colour in his eyes darkened.

"I am rather melancholic to begin a conversation as this one, but I am a man who values words." Mr. Farouq chuckled nervously and returned the glass to the table. His fingers interlocked and he gathered renewed strength. "I was taken aback by what I witnessed. The women were matured but not pure. You do know how that affects my chain of business Mr. Kim, don't you?"

Taehyung returned the glass to the table as a mirrored gesture and tilted his head, smiling.

"So your implication must mean that you did not like the women I sent."

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now