Chapter Thirty-Four

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The brisk warmth of the morning sun falling in folds over her skin reminded her of the sweet sweet summer tea and the heat of the baked sand beneath her feet back at Incheon. The feather grasp of Chaewon's fingers racing through the strands of her hair, tickling her scalp, brought to her memories of the old countryside home, that cradled in the arms of an old shack, lounging around at the crest of Incheon. Something so unsymmetric and imperfect that stood with illusionary perfections to her own eyes. Her body ached for the rest that the simple place could give.

All those inconsistencies and the playful quarrels with Jun Yong and her mother back at home, were unusually sweet to think about now.

Her eyes fluttered close as she felt the soft touch of Chaewon's fingers unite with those of what her mother's felt like against the strands of her hair. She missed those events like she missed the good fun of those stupid little banter that firmed the bricks around her house.

"Done. And it looks great." Chaewon's voice brought her submerged mind afloat again. "I think I'd do great in hairstyling or something." She mumbled more to herself than to Jangmi.

Chaewon held the mirror behind her head to let her acknowledge the reflection of her hair from the back. Jangmi smiled. The fish braids fell in flawless ripples, ending in an alluring little pony at the bottom.

Jangmi's hair was never the colossal and thick kind that her mother's were. It was soft and frail but never voluminous like what she longed for. In the recent years she had started caring for it even more which is why they were grasping at some length and were basically only some millimetres below her shoulder.

"I think so too. Why don't you try a hand at this if you like it so much?" Jangmi smiled at the pride shimmering on Chaewon's face in the bright sun.

"You wish." She rolled her eyes responsively. "My mother would jump off a building if she learns about such fancies."

"That means you do have interest in this." Jangmi turned around to look at her in the eyes now. The white hue of her shirt blew in the sunlight, reflecting it on her face as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"It looks too pretty on you." Chaewon smiled and brushed her tendrils hanging by the side of Jangmi's ear lovingly. "What's wrong? Did you cry last night?" She said, brushing the swell on Jangmi's eyelids as though it would go away with just that.

There was little secret between the both about what could possibly loom over her head and Jangmi knew that.

A sigh escaped Chaewon as she fell back on her bottom on the grass plated garden. Parts of her intuition had hit the dart. The look on her friend's face was not one of those that she usually found her in. It could mean several things and yet each one brought her back to the same conclusion.

"Did that man do something?" She asked gingerly, afraid of breaking irreparable threads without knowing. There was no telling of what it could mean to someone if they had to tolerate their friend speaking ill of the one they liked.

Jangmi tilted her head slightly, shaking her head from side to side slowly.

"I haven't cried, if that's what my eyes look like. I must have overslept."

She was afraid of the flurry of questions that would be thrown her way that she would have no answers to. To her devastation, Chaewon ended it by smiling to herself and grasped the textbook that had stared at their friendship for too long.

"I knew that man was no good." She said as Jangmi continued paging through her notes.

For once, this quiet allowed her to rest her inhibitions and move away from the turmoil that kept her worries in stands all the time. It would get better. She knew that. This heaviness would leave one day and the skies would not be dull anymore. She just had to tolerate this for now.

The Chastisement Of Kim Taehyung | BTS Fanfiction | Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now