Chapter Forty-Seven

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"You do realise you're hitting the wrong nerve here, right?" Inspector Yook muttered as the glass clinked against his teeth, a flashing set of whites peeking from behind the whisky. A hoist of smoke flags in the room pestered his throat. He was beginning to inadvertently despise being open to the lull of this smog in the air. It was pressuring his will to breathe. In the corner of the room, a crackling fire-bush razzled. His lips lifted to a smile when Farouq's eyes met his.

"Nerves are meant to be pricked at." He responded, waving his finger and dismissing the temperament of the situation. "Are we frightened?"

"In all honesty, yes. I come from loyal families. Betrayal has not been a feat." Yook grinned. "You might find me shiver once or twice. Beg you ignore."

Farouq threw his head back to laugh. Dragging in a considerable amount of breath, he loosened his shoulders. He shook his head and dragged some more of the hookah.

The ole staff preparing their drinks arrived at their table, refilling the glasses their command.

"Your loyalty has been towards the wrong suit." He shrugged. "Besides, not many approved of this business, including yourself. Knowing how the little lady failed to survive his idiocy, I wouldn't find it logical if you continued into this."

The inspector failed to disguise the chill of anger from scheming into his veins and reaching his jaw. The words left at the ridge of his tongue were nothing but curses. He could sense the liquid poison finding shelter under his skin again and mingling with his blood once more.

He despised this feeling. He had hoped to co-ordinate with the Kims till he met the earth's crust and dissolved and yet his emotions drew the sword and changed the oath he had acknowledged. Too soon. Too fast. In the recent past, he had been clueless of whatever was happening at the Kim Estate. It never made sense to him in all truthfulness. The men never swam in deep detail at meetings and he preferred standing by the edge too. That was the befitting way things needed to flow. And he wished it had been so. But no more.

The bitter taste filled his mouth as he accepted another sip through his throat.

"What was her name?" Farouq asked, leaning closer. He was evidently offering some warmth to his freezing soul. "I do remember her pretty face even now."

When his hand touched his shoulder, the fire expired and a ring of tears haloed on Yook's eyes.


That was the required spree of attention needed, as the furr coated woman eyed the men and entered through the door. Yook didn't seem to have digested that reaction very well from her. He rolled his eyes and averted his face away from Joo Hyun.

Joo Hyun smirked and gathered her skirt to cadence her way inside the semi lit room. She instinctively gazed around the pins of dim lights hanging at intervals near the stair railing and the area around the seating. It looked like a homebody disco night, only if they flashed with the right intensity. Farouq had taste, no lie.

"I prefer you don't mention these things Bae Joo Hyun." Yook glowered.

Joo Hyun halted from unbuckling the sandals on her feet and glanced at the emotionally wounded man.

Her feet fell back on the floor with a loud tap, "I've had too many men telling me what to do tonight. I might just shoot the next one down."

Their glares never ended as she walked her way inside with the sandals still on. The fête had seemed to last forever and that did not show any mercy to her soles. The drama at the Estate had only agonized the ache. She'd have to drop by a saloon to fix this.

"Good evening." Farouq stood up to take her in a warm embrace as she failed to keep her disgusted stare off the other man on the chair. "We thought you wouldn't be able to make it today."

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