Chapter 39

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It had been 2 years since I'd seen Josiah.

The few months with him were truly the craziest time of my life. Ever since i'd left him there had been peace. No disturbances, random kidnappings, or break ins had occurred.

I was safe, but I wasn't necessarily happy.

When we had first broke up he had tried to reach out to me a couple times in the beginning, after refusing his protests several times he finally stopped. Time went on and I continued with my normal life. I was now 25 years old living by myself in a tiny little apartment in the city. The girls and I had all split up, life had pulled us into different directions. Mitchie was engaged and lived with her boyfriend Thomas in New York. Rosa got a job in Washington and had to move up there. We still kept in touch as often as possible and met up when we could.

I missed them dearly though, it was like my youth was washing away before my eyes. Not that I'm not still young but my post graduate school says were over and we were really starting to grow up. I worked as a financial manager for an employment agency here in New Jersey.

The job paid decent and I was able to get by. My boss was a nice woman and my coworkers didn't really give me problems either. I hadn't had any contact with Mr. Louis since I confronted him about being my biological father. I had no interest in having him in my life and preferred if he had nothing to do with it.

My dating life had been pretty nonexistent after Josiah. I was sure Josiah would have anyone I dated killed if I even tried. Rosa pushed me to dip my toe into the dating pool by setting me up on a blind date. The guy was attractive and had a great personality. We went on about two dates before I decided it just wasn't working for me. Ultimately we didn't click romantically and I didn't want to try again.

Even now after two years I still think about Josiah, and I do miss what we had. Although I missed him, I was afraid to reach out. After all this time I still wanted him, but I still wasn't okay with that he would be doing while we were together. To be with him and to know that he just finished killing people before getting into bed with me was what put me off from attempting to contact him. So now I was just settling with my love life, not necessarily sad but not really happy either. Whatever happens, happens.

Currently I was getting ready for work, putting on the usual business casual and pinning up my hair. I zipped up my pencil skirt and touched up my makeup before getting my bag together. When everything was all set I strapped on my heels and made my way down stairs to my car. Yes you heard right my car, one I had bought myself with my own money. I got it not too long after working this job. It was a 2010 silver Toyota Camry. Nothing fancy but I loved it so much.

My job was about 20 minutes away from my apartment so I left the house well before work time in case of traffic. But today I left extra early to enjoy some time at my favorite coffee shop by my workplace. They had the greatest pastries I enjoyed wasting time in their before work. Today was Wednesday, meaning that the special pastry of the day were these sweet donut like pastries from the Czech Republic called Vdolky. I had tried them once before and they were delicious! That's why I frequently come on Wednesdays now.

So here I was, savoring every bite of my Vdolky in the middle of this little coffee shop. I watch some videos on my laptop as I let time pass while drinking my coffee. It was a good way to start out my day, it usually put me in a better mood. I look over at the time and realize my shift time is getting close. I pack up my things quickly and head towards the door with coffee in hand.

As I was rushing out someone was attempting to come in, resulting in a mass collision. I felt the hot liquid burn through my blouse and onto my skin. The person I had ran into let out a curse as I let out a stream of apologies. "I'm so sorry!" I turn around and grab some napkins from the table near by and attempt to clean off his suit that got stained as well.

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