Chapter 24

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"I wonder why Boss is keeping her all nice and pretty if he's just going to kill her? Might as well rough her up a bit right?" One of the guards chuckle as they enter the room.

"I know right? All he's done is cut her hair big whoop, and with all the time boss is taking Big Jo will be here any day. I say we rough her up for him." The other guard says. I hear footsteps approach the table as it's turned around to face them. "How the hell are we supposed to rough her up if she's strapped down like that?"

The other pulls a lever, "Like this." And suddenly I'm released. I drop to the floor and quickly try to pick myself up but I'm pulled up by my hair. "You're not going anywhere sweetie." They both smile at me with missing teeth. I use my cast to try to hit one of them and kick my feet at them. Suddenly I'm thrown against a table like I'm drag doll and I hit my back against it hard.

I try to get myself up and run out, but the men are already ahead of me. They were huge men with huge feet, so when I feel a blow to my stomach it's hard for me to try to get back up again. But I still do and I'm pulled by the hair again, "You just won't give up will you?"

I claw into his arm with my nails and he yells, "Ow you stupid bitch! You're gonna get it now." All I remember after that was saying no, no..


"Camille you're okay now, it's okay." A voice says. I open my eyes to face Josiah and notice my cheeks are already wet with tears. "You're okay." He whispers again. I shake my head and bury my face into his chest as I begin to cry again.

"It was only two days, but so much happened in those two days." I sob. All he does is hold me and rock me back and forth. "You can talk about it when you're ready." I nod and continue crying.

After crying I got up and took a shower before heading downstairs to meet Josiah. When he sees me come down the stairs he immediately walks up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I'm okay." I tell him. He shushes me and just continues to hold me.

After breakfast it was still quiet between us, we just watched tv on the couch until I spoke. "His guards beat me." I whispered. His jaw clenched, "That's where the bruises are from." I tell him

"They did it several times a day when Lancing left." He keeps quiet and continues listening. "Some times I'd try to fight back, but it just made them angrier."

"I keep seeing them when I close my eyes. I'm afraid they'll come back."

"Nobody will ever lay a hand on you again." Josiah says. I shake my head, "You can't be sure of that."

He nods, "I can, stay here with me Camille. It's the only place you're safe."

"I will, for now." He stays quiet and we just enjoy each other's company. "What happened to Tyler?" I ask.

"Dead." Is all he says. I freeze in my spot at his words and he notices, "You..killed him?"

He sighs, "Camille I-" I quickly get up, "I keep forgetting, you're just like them. All of them."

"Camille this was different, he would've killed me first. I know you once had feelings for him but he wanted you dead."

"Just let me be alone for a little while." I whisper before leaving the room. Thankfully he doesn't follow me and I enter the room. I should be happy Tyler's out of the way but I thought he'd be in prison or something, not dead in a ditch somewhere.

Jealousy KillsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin