Chapter 37

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She stared at me, her eyes wide with fear.
There was something else in her eyes.




I reached out to help her out of the closet but she backs away from me. "What are you doing here Camille? How did you get here?"

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I back away from her hoping it'll encourage her to come out. She comes out slowly but doesn't get far, keeping a prominent distance from me.

"Camille you need to go back home, okay?" Her eyes move to the dead man on the ground and she quickly looks away. I reach out to her trying to guide her out of the room but she refuses to come with me. "Camille baby it's me. We have to get you out of here."

She shakes her head, "I don't want to go with you."

She looks down as tears fill her eyes once again. "I've been so oblivious, this is who you really are." I sigh, "Camille you knew who I was when you met me."

"So this is where you've been the past few days? Can't call or send a text because you're too busy murdering people! I thought you were dead!"

"Camille can we not talk about this here? Let's at least go upstairs."

"Why so we can get away from the corpse of the man you just killed!"

"You know I've killed people!" I exclaim back.

She nods calmly, "Yes, yes I do. But I have never, seen this side of you Josiah. I guess I was too in love with you to really notice it."

I raise my eyebrow, "Was? Baby we can talk about this, I'm still me. I've always been, I love you." I try to get closer to her but once again she moves away.

She looks up at me, "You are still you, you're still 'big Jo'. That's the problem."

For the second time in my life, I felt my heart break into a million little pieces. I physically felt pain in my chest as she walked away from me and toward Charlie who was at the doorway. "Take me home please." She whispers once she got close enough for him to hear.

He looks at me with a questioning gaze and I nod, knowing I can't speak to her in this state. I look down at my appearance, I was covered in blood and probably looked like a mad men. Hell, I am a mad man.

This was the first time Camille had seen me take someone's life.

I ordered the men to clean up the room and put the other man in another room till I was ready to finish up or for Charlie to get back. I couldn't continue my work now, not when Camille is in the process of leaving me again.

I head up to my office, and hop into the shower to get cleaned up. I change my clothes and await Charlie's arrival before leaving. "What the hell happened?" He asks as he enters my office. I slid my hand over my face in frustration, "I am firing everyone!"

"How the hell did she get in here? I want everyone questioned and anyone fired!"

Charlie begins to speak but I interrupt, "And her guard? Where is he? These guards always have one job, fire him too!"

"What did she say to you? Where is she now?" I ask him urgently.

"I think you should take a seat for a moment. She's at her apartment, she said nothing to me in the car besides for me to take her there."

"Then I'm going to see her."

"You know you can't do that right now sir, we're about to finally end this."

Jealousy Killsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें