Chapter 7

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The next morning I had a feeling it was my time to go. I missed my friends, my family, even work, and most importantly Tyler.

I was sitting at a desk in "my" bedroom and drawing a picture when Josiah walked in. He walks past me and we don't spare each other a glance. On his way back out he stops behind me. "Are you here to finally kill me?" I ask.

He ignores my question, "What is that?" He asks pointing at my drawing. I turn around to look at him, "It's me."

"And who's the other guy?"

I blush a little, "My boyfriend." Josiah starts laughing, which was quite a sight since I've like never seen the guy smile. He's laughing hysterically, bent over clutching his stomach and wiping tears.

I glare at him, "What's so funny about that?" He gets up and recollects himself, "I didn't think you actually had a boyfriend."

I scoff, "And what is that supposed to mean?" He shrugs, "You seem too innocent, he's probably your first right?"

I don't answer him and look away, he chuckles, "I thought so."

I clench my fists, I really hate this guy. "Well I bet you don't even have a girlfriend, you're too mean." His face gets serious again, "The only reason I don't have a girlfriend, is because I don't want one."

"Yeah because you're too mean."

"Kindness doesn't get the job done." He says in a dark tone before walking out of the room.

"What? The job of kidnapping people?!" I yell back at the door. I don't get a reply back from him and turn around to my art work again.

A few hours went by and Josiah never came by, which I was fine with. But I was getting really sick of this room and wanted to go somewhere so do something. I knocked on his office door and waited, he opened it with a frown. "What?"

"You've kept me in that room for days, can't you at least entertain me?"

He frowns again, "Do I look like a clown to you?" I shrug, "A little make up and I could make you into one."

He tries to close the door on me but I step into his office. The longer I stay here the less scared I am of Josiah, it's like he's all bark and no bite. He glares at me, "Out."

I take a seat in the chair across from his desk, ignoring him. "You really have guts don't you?" He asks. I pick up a book from his shelf still ignoring him. Suddenly I'm yanked out of the seat and brought face to face with him.

"What is wrong with you?" He asks angrily. I shrug, "I don't know? Probably the fact that I've been locked in this dungeon for weeks. I'm probably going crazy."

He rolls his eyes, "I honestly can't wait to get rid of you."

"Ooh honesty, that's a first." I remark back. His eyes darken and we're still face to face. "You do realize I can destroy you if I wanted?"

"Then why don't you?" I ask. We're both just standing there staring at each other with what I believe is hate, his hand still holding my wrists and my body pulled against his, when someone opens the door. "Hey boss we have a-" The man entered the room look at both of us. I recognized him as the man who guards my door. Josiah pushes me away from him and stands straight. "Oh sorry, I thought the girl was missing. I didn't know she was with you." The man apologized.

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