Chapter 5

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I didn't know the time, I didn't know what day it was, I didn't even know what the weather was like outside.

It felt like I had been here for weeks, maybe it had only been days but I can't tell. Charlie, the man standing outside my door, checks in on me every now and then. He's not a bad guy, he wants to help me but he knows he can't.

Josiah is a complete dick and every time I have to talk to him it results in us fighting and him threatening me and sending me to my room. I'm sick and tired of this room too, it's all I see for hours at a time. Occasionally I go into the bathroom just for a change of scenery, but it doesn't really help.

I knock on my door to get Charlie's attention, "Can I talk to Josiah?" I ask.

"Remember to only address him as big Jo, if you keep calling him Josiah you'll get yourself hurt."

"How long have I even been here?" I ask. Charlie thinks back, "3 days." I sigh, it feels like eternity. Charlie takes me to Josiah's office and knocks on the door. I walk in and Josiah doesn't spare me a glance, "What is it?"

"Why do I have to stay in that room? Isn't there anywhere else for me to go down here?" I ask. He looks up at me with a frown, "You're not here to play, back to your room."

I frown, "You know I am sick and tired of you sending me to that room. I've given you enough information, let me out of here."

"Charlie." He calls out. Charlie enters the room and attempts to pick me up but I move out of the way. Josiah glares at me, "Charlie give us a minute." He says in a low voice.

"You can't just keep sending me to my room every time I speak out. You are not my father."

"You want to see around this place so bad? How about I show you then huh?" He grabs my arm and leads me out of the room. He walks me down a hallway and opens up a door. We enter a familiar looking room, I recognize it as the torture room from the video. There are torture tools on a table and a table with arm and leg straps on it. I notice fresh blood on the floor in the corner. I gasp when I notice a bloody knife on the floor.

He grabs my chin and pulls me to him, "You recognize this huh?" He directs my face to look around the room, "This is where you will end up if you keep mouthing off, am I clear?"

My eyes well up again with tears and I nod, "You still want a tour of the rest of this place?" He asks. I shake my head, "I didn't think so, now back to your room until I say otherwise."

I nod and he leads me back to my room. "Charlie you've gotten soft with her, call in Ricky to take your spot." Josiah instructs Charlie. "But sir I-" Josiah gives him a glare, shutting Charlie right up. Charlie nods and gives me an apologetic smile before walking off.

Josiah turns to me, "Bed now, it's almost midnight." I nod and quickly get onto the bed as he slams the door shut. I lay down and cry softly into the pillow. Does anyone even realize I'm missing? Will they even find me if they do? I'm sure hundreds of people are taken from their homes by this monster and go unnoticed.

I cry myself to sleep that night, wondering if it'll be my last.


The new guy guarding my door was a complete creep. He sent out that creepy vibe and I was always silently begged for Charlie to come back. But he hasn't and I never see him any more. I haven't spoken to Josiah these past couple days either because I don't have any more information go give him.

This new guy, Ricky constantly came in to check on me. But I think he only comes in to check me out. I keeps myself covered afraid of exposing myself to him. He always gives me that perverted look when he comes in, looking me over and licking his lips. He makes me feel like a piece of meat and I'm about ready to beg Josiah for Charlie back.

It was night time at the moment and I believe it's now my 7th night here, a full week. I got into bed, not sure exactly what time it was but I was tired from doing nothing all day.

I was almost asleep when I heard my door slowly creep open. I open my eyes and look toward the door to see Ricky sneaking into my room. "Am I needed in big Jo's office?" I ask. He puts his finger on his lips to shush me. I get out of the bed as he creeps closer. "What are you doing?" I ask as I back way from him.

He suddenly grabs me and I scream, but he quickly puts his hand over my mouth. I kick and attempt to hit him but he uses his knee to hold down my legs after throwing me to the ground. His other hand is holding my wrists together above my head.

"I've been admiring you these couple days." He says in a low voice as he looks down my body. I bite the hand that is over my mouth and scream out for help when he moves it away.

"Shut up! No one here is going to help you." He raises up my shirt and grasps my breast. I yelp under his hand and begin crying. I try to escape from his clutches but he was much bigger than me.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and Ricky falls off of me. Josiah is in the door way with a gun in his hand. I look down at the floor at Ricky's now lifeless body.

I look back up at Josiah and he's glaring at Ricky, and then he turns to me. "Come with me." Is all he says. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go with him, maybe he only killed Ricky because he wanted me for himself.

He turns around when he notices I don't follow, "Jesus Christ." He mumbles before walking over to me. I was still shaken up so I couldn't move if I wanted to. He comes over to me and I immediately flinch away, the tears beginning again.

He sighs, "I'm trying to help you." I still move away from him and he rolls his eyes before scooping me up into his arms. I lay in his arms obediently afraid of what will happen if I make him mad.

He takes me to a much bigger room, a nicer one as well. It has tv, a bed, and a master bathroom. He places me down on the couch in the room and walked off. I sat there curled up into a ball on the corner of the couch.

Josiah comes back into the room with an ice pack and new clothes. "Here." He says placing them on the couch next to me and walking away before I could even thank him.

I place the ice pack on my head where I hit it when I was thrown to the floor. Josiah doesn't come back for a while and I end up falling asleep on the couch.

The next day, I wake up in the bed, with the smell of French toast in the air. I look next to me and there's a plate of French toast, eggs, and bacon with orange juice on the side. I take a bite of the bacon immediately because I'm starving, and continue eating the rest of the food till it's all gone.

"You're up." A deep voice says from the door. I look toward the direction of the voice to see Josiah entering the room.

"Thank you." I mumble. "You shouldn't be thanking me."

"But you saved me."

"No I killed him because he disobeyed my orders, he wasn't supposed to touch you. We're not friends or anything alright? Don't expect things to change now."

I nod silently at his harsh tone, "You can stay here until your work with me is complete since your room is.. soiled."

I nod again and look away, "The bathroom is right here, if you need anything knock. My office is right through this door."

I don't answer him and he walks out of the room again. I head over to the bathroom to clean myself up, then I get back onto the bed and turn on the tv. At least now I have something to do.

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