Chapter 17

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I never really looked at Josiah's house the last time I was here. But his place was huge, not mansion huge or anything, but it was really big for only one person.

It was a two story house with a kind of cabin looking rustic bachelor pad look. A nurse rolled me into the living room with Josiah following behind. I was in a wheelchair because I couldn't be on crutches thanks to my arm. There were about 3 men outside guarding the gates and a bit of an extreme security system that required a fingerprint scan to enter the house.

"You should settle yourself in, Jane will show you to your room upstairs." I mumble a thanks to him as the nurse, aka Jane rolls me into what I believe is in elevator. "Is an elevator even necessary?" I mumble. Jane chuckles quietly and I smile at her. She was kind of young, maybe older. She sort of reminded me of Susan, age wise. They looked nothing alike though.

Jane was a black woman with shoulder length dark brown hair and brown eyes. "How old are you?" I ask her. "47."

I gasp, "No way." She nods with a smile. "You know it's not polite to just ask a woman her age." I blush, "I'm sorry, I thought you were younger."

She laughs, "Its okay darling, how old are you then?"

"I'm 23." I smile. "You must be quite important to Josiah for him to get me to watch over you." I shake my head, "Have you worked for him long?"

She nods, "Since he was a young boy. But when I wasn't working for him, I was his mothers friend." I nod, "So now you're his nurse?"

"Well I wasn't always his nurse, after his parents died he stayed with me. After college he came back and offered me a job that pays very well." I nod as we enter a bedroom.

It was pretty big, bigger than my bedroom in my apartment obviously but not too big. It was a comfortable looking room with a queen sized bed, tv, and a dresser. "Josiah's room is across the hall in case anything happens."

I nod again, "The bathroom is right next door and your things are already here in the dresser and closet."

"He got my things?" I ask. She nods, "Of course. Oh and I almost forgot." She pulls out a cellphone, "Since your last phone was destroyed he got you this. Your previous phone numbers are already programmed inside, along with his in case of emergency." She hands the phone to me.

I stare at it, this was nothing like my other phone. I was still stuck on the iPhone 5s, but this was an iPhone X, which didn't even exist yet. "Um thank you."

"Now that you've seen your room did you want to go down and eat? Or stay up here and relax?" She asks. "Is Josiah still here?"

She nods, "But he's working."

"I'll just eat in my room if that's okay." She nods, "Anything you want to eat in particular?"

I shake my head, "Anything you have is fine." She nods and heads downstairs to get my food. I hop out of the wheelchair and onto the bed and search for a tv remote. Having a cast was really no fun, the doctor said I'd have to wear it for about 6 weeks, and they said my ankle would be better whenever I felt I could walk on it again since it hadn't broken.

Jane came in with my lunch and explained to me when she'd be here. "I'll be here all day but I leave at 9:00. I usually show up at 8:00 am."

"So what would you do before I was here?" I ask. "I only come when Josiah needs me, he's hardly at this house. But he calls when he's hurt and needs someone to take care of him."

"Where does he stay if he's not always here?" She shrugs, "Not sure, but I know he has plenty of other places."

Jane and I talk most of the day before she leaves. But not before checking to make sure I'm alright by checking my head and ankle and changing the bandaging on my casts.

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