Chapter 23

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I had been kidnapped what, like 3 times now? Actually scratch that I think it might be 4, and don't get me started on all the attempted kidnappings. But this by far was the worst. All I did was lay on this table as Lancing probed at me. I was starting to give up hope on someone finding me, or getting out of this on my own.

I had tried several methods but nothing worked. It had been two days now I believe, he won't let me get up to go to the bathroom either. He feeds me once a day with a piece of bread after he's cut something off me. Since it's been two days I've lost hair and some skin that he's packaged away to send to Josiah. I'm afraid of what's next to come.

The door opens and I look over to see him strolling in with a sick smile. "What should we send Josiah today?" He asks.

I don't answer him and instead look for other ways out. "Quiet today huh? Maybe we should send him one of your pearly whites." He pulls my face toward him, "Open up."

I keep my mouth shut and avoid eye contact. "Well then how about we just send him something else?" He pulls out a scalpel and my eyes widen, "This will only hurt a bit."

He traces the scalpel down my thigh, before making an incision. I close my eyes and look away but the pain is still there. He leaves a big cut down my thigh and brings up the scalpel with a smile. "A bloody scalpel, perfect." He smiles as he holds it up like it's a piece of art.

"I'll be right back."

I was breathing heavily and looked down at the wound. My eyes stung with tears and I began crying. "I need to get out of here." I say to myself.

There has to be someway. I look down at my cast, maybe if I can get it off I'll have one arm free. But I knew it'd be impossible to remove on my own. The straps I was covered in were made out of metal.

I sigh as the tears begin to fall again, it's time to face the facts. I'm going to die here.

"That one is for surely going to freak him out." Lancing snickers as he enters the room. "Maybe tomorrow we'll give him and ear or toe or something?"

"Can you please let me go?" I whisper. He chuckles, "Well that's a stupid question to ask."

"I'm heading out, I'll be back." He says as he takes off his gloves and leaves. I attempt to escape again but nothing. I let out a breath, I need to focus and do this slowly. My hands are not even strapped down individually this shouldn't be that hard. I slowly pull my good arm upward, trying to release it from the strap. "Yes!" I whisper.

Now that my arm is halfway out, I use this opportunity to pull myself out of the straps from the top. "Slowly Cam, slow." I tell myself.

My body is halfway out when I hear a gunshot. Followed by several other gunshots. I quickly pull myself out and fall to the floor with a loud thud. I quickly get up and grab a weapon from the table before finding somewhere to hide. I also grab a cloth and wrap it around my exposed wound. I hide in a storage unit, waiting for the gun fire to stop.

Suddenly the door is busted open and a bunch of men rush in with guns. "Search everywhere." A voice yells. The men begin searching around the room and I notice one of them coming toward me. I immediately point my weapon at the man as he opens the storage unit. "We found her!" He calls out behind him.

"Stay away from me or I swear to God I'll stab you right in your throat." I threaten. "Camille it's okay, we work for big Jo."

I shake my head, "I don't believe you, get away from me!" I attempt to stab the man but he backs up before I can get him. I notice Charlie and Josiah rush into the room, "Camille!" Josiah runs over to me and I begin crying.

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