Chapter 25

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I was starting to feel better, I had been staying at Josiah's for a couple of weeks but I had never left the house. Not because he wouldn't allow me to or anything, but because I was kind of scared to. I knew at some point I'd have to suck it up and get back out there, but now wasn't the time.

"What are you doing today?" I ask Josiah as he enters the kitchen. "Just heading down to my office at the club to get some work done, don't you wanna go out or something? You've been locked up in the house for weeks." I shake my head, "I'm fine in the house."

"If you go out you won't be alone, you can go with the guards, nothing will happen to you. Maybe you can finally go visit your friends." I shake my head again, "I said I was fine."

He sighs and holds my hand in his, "Camille I know you're still scared, and I love keeping you to myself in the house but you need to over come your fear. It's okay now." I look up at him and sigh, "I'll think about it okay?"

He nods, "I'll see you when I get back." He kisses my forehead and heads out. I finish my breakfast and head upstairs to take a shower. I decide Josiah's right and I do need to get over it. I change into something simple and call out 3 of my favorite guards to take me back to my apartment to see the girls.

When we arrive at the apartment the guards follow me up to my door. "Guys I'm back!" I yell as I enter the room. The girls are both in the living room talking to someone, when I see who the someone eyes my mouth drops. "Elijah!" I exclaim running up to him, he opens up his arms and lifts me up into a hug.

The guards quickly pull him away and begin searching him. "Wait guys that's my brother! He's okay." They stop and nod, moving to the side. Two of them leave the room to guard the door. "Who the hell were they?" Elijah asks.

"Um, bodyguards?"

"And where have you been? I've been here since late this morning, the girls said you went to sleep over at a friends house but I'm starting to think that's not true." I look at the girls telling them thank you with my eyes. I had completely forgotten Eli was coming, and I haven't had a phone for a few weeks.

"Um I'm staying with another friend right now."

"And what's with the body guards? And your phone being disconnected?" He asks. I begin laughing nervously, "Is this an interrogation or a mini reunion? How was your trip?"

He sighs, "It was fine, but you know I hate airplanes." I chuckle, "Yeah, are you hungry?"

I bring over some juice and snacks for him. "Thanks squirt, how have things been here?"

"Oh you know, completely normal. How's life in Cali?"

"Expensive as hell, but I love it over there. You should come visit sometime." I nod, "Definitely."

We continue discussing life and catching up with each other most of the afternoon.

In the middle of one of our conversations one of the guards come into the room with a phone in his hand. "Big Jo is on the phone for you." Elijah frowns, "Big Jo? Who the hell is that?"

I begin laughing awkwardly again, "I'll be right back." I glare at the guard as I grab the phone and answer it in my room. "Who the fuck was that Camille?" Josiah asks angrily.

I frown, "My fucking brother Josiah, who else?" He sighs, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to check up on you. So your brothers in town?"

"Yes you can hack the airline database system to check if you want."

"You're mad at me." I roll my eyes, "No shit, I'll see you at home." I hang up walk out of the room and hand the guard back the phone.

"Are you pimping yourself out or something? Because big Jo sounds like a pimp name." Elijah asks as soon as I enter the room. I frown, "No and his name is Josiah."

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