Chapter 13

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Josiah had fallen asleep next to me, or at least I think he was asleep. His arms were wrapped around me and I was snuggled up to his chest. We didn't have sex if that's what you're wondering, just a bit of messing around.

I didn't even know what I was doing, I have a freaking boyfriend for fucks sake and here I am in another guys arms. This wasn't right and I had to put a stop to this now, and I needed to talk to the girls. They always knew what to do.

I try to get out of Josiah's arms but he pulls me right back to him. No matter what I did his hands held on to my waist. I turned to face him and he was asleep, he was really cute too. But he was such an asshole and I hated him.

I attempt one more time to escape Josiah's embrace and fail. "Josiah." I whisper. He doesn't respond and continues sleeping, I try to pry his hands apart to get through but they don't budge. In my final attempt I climb out from under and escape successfully. I grab my phone and head to the bathroom to shower.

It was around 3:38 by the time I got out and was dressed for the day. I put my hair in a ponytail and wore a plain t-shirt I found in a drawer and my jeans.

I was afraid for Josiah to wake up, things were either going to be weird or awkward. I watched tv most of the day until Josiah woke up. He walked into the living room casually without a shirt.  He walked past me toward the kitchen and made himself a sandwich before sitting on the couch.

I didn't say anything to him, he didn't say anything to me. We both just sat there watching tv, only I wasn't watching. I was too busy thinking about the tension in the room, but it felt like it was only coming from me. He seemed completely unbothered by my presence.

After eating his sandwich he got up and left again to the bedroom. I decided to just ignore him until he brought it up or something.

About 2 hours went by and he hadn't said anything to me. He stayed in the bedroom and I stayed in the living room. When he finally came out he started preparing dinner. "Do you need help?" I ask.


I frown, he's back to his distant self.

When dinner was served I grabbed a plate and sat across from him at the small table. "So we're just not going to talk?" I ask.

"It was a mistake." He says coldly. Ouch, that kind of hurt but what did I expect? I was mad at him though, he always does this. He'll just kiss me then avoid me like who the hell does that?

I nod, "You're right, it was a mistake. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop kissing me though and then running and hiding like a coward."

He glares at me, "Coward? I'm the coward?" I nod and continue eating my spaghetti. "You're the one who kissed me by the way."

I put my fork down and look at him, "You kissed me first Josiah don't forget that. I have a boyfriend." His eyes darken and he scoffs angrily, "Yeah what a great girlfriend you are."

"I was a great girlfriend until you came into the picture and ruined everything! Just leave me alone Josiah okay?" I say before walking away from the table. I wasn't even hungry anymore, I was just mad. I couldn't even stand to be in the same room with him at the moment.


The whole time we were in the house after that we didn't talk to each other. We stayed about 3 days before we headed back to our homes. He dropped me off at my apartment and I left without a good bye for the second time.

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