Chapter 27

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"Elijah Ali? Ain't that Camille's big brother? Don't do anything stupid man." Charlie says when I call him into my office. "I just want information, like where he's staying right now and for how long. We just need to talk."

Charlie frowns, "We both know what you mean by 'talk'. Camille will hate you if you hurt her brother."

"I'm not going to hurt him, and if you're not going to do your fucking job then I will. I didn't ask for advice, I asked for information. Now find me exactly that." I snapped at him, my voice laced with annoyance.

"Boss you're drunk. She's been gone for two nights, she'll be back. Don't do something you'll regret and lose her forever. She just needs time to clear her head."

I frown before getting up and storming pass him to the information room. I pick up the phone and make a call, "Elijah Ali, I need current information stat."

I hear quick typing , "Marriott Hotel, Harbor St, Room 212, second floor. Arrival date 9/12/17, departure date 9/17/17."

I hang up and head back to my office for my keys. "Don't do this." Charlie says stoping in front of me. "Move aside."

"Camille will hate you. She'll never come back."

"I'm not going to kill him for fucks sake. I'm drunk not an idiot. I'm going to tell him everything."

"Sir isn't that risky?"

"It might be, but if it brings her back I don't care."

Charlie sighs, "Then I'm going with you. You're drunk, we don't need you driving around town this late." I roll my eyes and toss him the key, "Marriott on Harbor."

We get into the car and Charlie drives us down town to the hotel and parks us around back. When we enter the hotel immediately all eyes are on us, I scoff and continue walking up toward the elevator. We reach the second floor and begin to search for room 212.

The door appears in front of us reading 212. I give it a hard knock and wait for an answer. A man with tanned skin and curly hair opens the door tiredly. "Elijah Ali."

He frowns, "Who the hell are you, and why are you knocking on my door so late?"

"Mind if I come in?" He shakes head and begins to shut the door when I stop it with my foot. "Josiah Wells, in the flesh." I bring my hand out for him to shake and he stares at me wide eyed. "What do you want man? I didn't do anything."

I chuckle, "May I come in?" He hesitates before opening the door for Charlie and I. "Why're you here?"

"You're familiar with my work and such correct?" He nods slowly. "I am a very noble man, and I thought it would be proper to introduce myself to my-" I pause for a moment, "girlfriends big brother."

"Camille is dating you?!" He exclaims. I sigh, "Well she was, she left me the other night because she got into a fight with you."

"So you're here to kill me now?" He asks. I chuckle again, "Do I seem like a barbaric lunatic to you? I'm here to make peace with you so Camille can come home."

"And if she doesn't want to?" My eyebrows furrow, "That'll be her decision. Assure me you'll talk to her, give her your approval."

"And what if I don't approve?" He questions back. A frown appears on my face. "I don't advise that's a wise choice." I get up and begin walking toward the door, "Have a good night Eli."

Charlie shuts the door behind us and frowns at me. "You just threatened the guy!" I scoff, "Barely, it was merely implied."

"He's going to tell Camille and she will hate you."

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