Chapter 12

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(After leaving Camille with Charlie)

"Stay here and wait for Charlie okay? We'll talk when my meeting is actually over alright?" I tell her. I don't wait for her reply as Charlie walks in and I walk out. I enter the secret hallway that leads back to my office and open the door and come face to face with Lancing.

"Where's the girl?" He asks immediately. "What girl?"

He scoffs, "Don't act stupid now, where is she?"

"I haven't seen her since the galleria. What do you want with her anyway? She's just an escort." He frowns, "You and I both know that's not true. She interests me, and now I know you have an interest in her too."

"Why would you say that? I have no care for the girl." He shakes his head and pulls out a picture, "Then what is this?"

It's a picture of Camille and I kissing, I give him the photo back showing no emotion. "You're really good at photoshopping."

He chuckles, "And you hired her bodyguards. Who is she to you? A new girlfriend?"

"Lancing I'm tired of answering the same questions, she is not my girlfriend and I don't care about her."

"Then let me have her." I shrug, "Fine, she's in my back room." He frowns, "And where exactly would that be?"

I snap my finger and Toby enters the room, "Escort Lancing and his men to the back room." Lancing shakes his head, "I want you to lead us there."

"Fine then." I stand up and lead them to the room, before I go I give Toby a look and he immediately knows what to do. He stays in the room as we walk out, I lead Lancing to a random room. "Don't be surprised if she's not in there, she does hate me after all."

He scoffs and turns the door knob, when he opens it it's filled with a room full of my men with guns pointed at him. "Now get out of my building." I tell him before proceeding to walk off. Suddenly I feel a gun behind my head and I begin to chuckle, "Go ahead shoot me."

A shot goes off and the man with his gun to my head falls to the floor. Bullets begin to fly everywhere and I get myself out of the commotion untouched. I get into my car and pull out my phone, "Where'd you take her?" I ask Charlie.

"Safe house #3, but we're having some difficulty getting there." He says, I hear gunshots in the background. "Shit how'd they find you?"

"I don't know they've been chasing us for like 30 minutes now. I think they're Lancing's men."

I groan, "Tell me what freeway you're on, I'll take the girl, you lead them on."

"Yes sir, we're on Aberdeen."

"Okay good, when I get on the freeway I want you to get far ahead of them and that's where we'll make the switch got it?"

"Yes sir." I hang up and speed down the street onto the abandoned highway taking a short cut so I was ahead of them. I notice Charlie zooming up towards me and I open the car door, "I am not jumping out of a moving car into another moving car!" Camille exclaims. "Hurry the fuck up before they catch up."

She looks terrified but she reaches a foot over to my car with one still on Charlie's. Her other leg quickly moves over and she gets into the car. I shut the door quickly and he speed down the highway. Camille grips onto the side of the seats for dear life as I race down the street.

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