Chapter 33

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I still had time in the day and decided to make another stop. After learning about Josiah and I, Eli decided to extend his stay a bit longer to keep an eye on me. I pulled up to his hotel and the front desk called his room for me before allowing me up.

"Hey Cam, what's wrong? You never show up unannounced."

I sigh, "I just found out dad wasn't my biological father."

I look up at him and he looked away. "You knew!"

"Yes I knew Camille. But that doesn't change the fact that you are my little sister."

"How long have you known?" I questioned.

"Mom told me not long before she passed. A couple days in fact."

"You've known for like 10 years and you never thought to mention it! Did she ever tell you who?"

He shakes his head, "No I don't know who. And mom made me promise not to tell you."

"So she just never wanted me to know huh? It would've been nice to know that the man who is my apparent father is also a wanted crook and thief. Now I'm just a giant target!" Pissed would be an understatement to describe my emotions. My life has been in danger since the moment she died and she just never wanted me to know?

I was panting heavily in frustration, "Camille calm down! What are you talking about? You know who it is?"

I look toward my confused brother, "Richard Louie." I practically spit the name out of my mouth as I explain to my brother the situation. "Now my name is plastered clearly on his will, where I inherit all of his debts and all of his enemies want to use me as leverage against him! That's exactly why Josiah had kidnapped me that night, to get back at him!"

Eli had a shocked expression before something in his eyes changed. "Wait I thought you told me you met Josiah at a club. You never mentioned anything about kidnapping."

"And you never mentioned that dad was not my dad! I obviously don't tell you everything either. But if you must know, I didn't lie. I did meet Josiah in the club first."

"So when did he kidnap you?" I ignore Eli's question.

"Can we focus on the people who will soon plot to kidnap me as well! They only haven't because Josiah has been paying them off to keep me safe. But Mr. Louie owes a lot of bad people money and I don't want Josiah to run himself dry trying to protect me."

He huffs, "Josiah is like a billionaire. If he wants to do that let him. If not why doesn't he just order someone to kill Mr. Louie or something. That's what he's good at anyway." I glare at him, "Do you not see Josiah cares about me? He's trying to help me! I understand that you hate him but I can't let him ruin himself trying to protect me. Help me think of a better way out of this."

He sighs, "Alright, can't you just be removed from his will?"

"Even if I am, I'm still his only living child on record. They'll still come for me."

He stops and thinks, "Only living child huh?..."


Sorry the chapters have been short. But we're nearing the end 😔

- AuggiePooh_

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