Chapter 21

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Drunk Camille had a lot to say to Josiah that night, and sadly I remember everything. From flirting with Logan to Josiah leaving me to cry on the bathroom floor.

It had been a couple weeks since then and I had been in a pretty sucky mood since. I didn't want to talk to the girls about it yet and they understood, I was just embarrassed at the fact that I was the one who caught feelings. I mean he did say something about wanting me to be his but that doesn't necessarily mean he's into me. It doesn't matter now anyway and I vow now to forget about him.

"Camille I'm heading to Walmart you wanna come?" Rosa asks as she walks into the living room. "No thanks I'm fine here."

"You sure? You haven't been out in a while." I nod, "I go to work everyday I'm fine." She shrugs, "Alright."

I lay on the couch once I hear the front door shut and scroll through my Instagram feed. I watch random short videos for what feels like an hour until Tyler's face pops up on my screen. "Hello?" I ask answering the call.

"Hey Cam, I was wondering how you were doing?" I shrug, "I'm fine I guess, how are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" I bite my lip while thinking, should I? I do need something to distract me, but hanging out with Tyler? "Where did you want to hang out?" I ask.

"There's this go kart place I've been wanting to try out, what do you say?"

I chuckle, "Um I don't think it'd be safe for me to ride a go kart with one hand."

"What do you- oh yeah I completely forgot about the cast. I'm sorry." I shrug, "It's okay."

"We could just go out to the pier? Grab a snack?"

"Alright, what time?"

"I'll pick you up at 3." I smile, "See you then."

We hang up and let out a sigh before looking at the time, 1:30 pm. I still had much time to spare so I plugged my phone in to charge and pulled out my laptop. I was on Yahoo!'s gossip section  going through articles when I got tempted to type in a certain someone's name. I quickly erased it after typing it and scolded myself.

Now I will for sure try my best to forget about him. I get up and get dressed for my afternoon with Tyler. I change into a simple t-shirt and jeans before plopping myself back onto the couch and waiting.

I look at the time 2:15, and I sigh. Suddenly my phone rings and I pick it up to answer. "Hello?"

"You don't have my number saved or something?" The voice chuckles. I smile, "Hey Eli."

"Hey baby sis, how's it going? You never call anymore." I sigh, "I know things have just been so hectic lately, I'll work on keeping in touch."

He laughs, "You better, but hey I called to tell you I'm coming to town soon."

"What? Really? When?" I ask. "In three weeks for a business conference." I smile widely, "That's great! Where will you be staying? You could stay at our place."

He chuckles, "Slow your roll sis, they've booked me a hotel nearby. And sharing a bathroom with 3 other girls doesn't sound very fun." I nod, "You're right, it does get pretty hectic over here."

"I'm sure. I'll be at your place most of the time though, and maybe you can take my sight seeing." I chuckle, "Sure thing Eli."

"I've got to go now, but I can't wait to see you. I'll call you soon."

"Okay bye, love you."

"Love you too Cam."

The front door shuts as I hang up the phone and Rosa walks in with a smirk, "Who was that?"

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