Chapter 9

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"Lancing." I glared when I saw him enter the club. "Anything wrong boss?" One of my men asks. "Lancing just entered the building, keep an eye on him." He nods his head before leaving the room. I sit in the upper room, smoking a blunt and watching all the club goers enter my club to party and get drunk.

I watch them dance on each other, drink, and socialize in various areas of the club. What I didn't notice was the girl. I hadn't noticed her at first, but now it all made sense why Lancing had set foot into my club. He was after her and I was sure of it now.

There she was dancing with her drunken friends on the dance floor, one by one they wondered off with strange men to make out in some corner, leaving her alone. She wandered over  to the bar and didn't even order alcohol, I scoffed. From the corner I noticed Lancing make his way over to the bar she was at, this caught my attention instantly. I noticed him slip something in her drink while she was looking away and soon after drinking it she stumbled to the bathroom. My men were already there before he could place a hand on her. He was taken out of the club and she was brought up to me for her safety.

It took a while for her to wake up, and when I realized she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon I drove her back to my place. I made sure her friends were taken home safely as well using an uber.

By the time I woke up the next morning she was still not awake. I was slightly concerned and wondered what Lancing drugged her with. I checked her pulse to see if she was even still alive and she was. I left the room to start breakfast for myself, mid way into making my breakfast I heard a thud and a scream.

I walked back into the bedroom to see her on the floor laying on her back. She was wide awake now and when she saw me she screamed again. "No! Not you again! Oh my God you drugged me? What do you want now?!" She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Why would I need to drug you?"

"Um I'm pretty sure you've drugged me a couple times to get me to your dungeon."

And she's back, "Look I didn't drug you, as a matter of fact you should be thanking me."

She frowns, "For what? You haven't done anything that's benefited me."

"Well then next time someone drugs you I'll let them take you how about that?"

She keeps quiet for a moment, obviously in thought. "Was it that Lancing guy?" She asks quietly. I nod and she sighs, "Well thank you then. I suppose I can go now right? Or am I being held captive again against my will?"

"You can leave, but I just want you to know that he's after you now." She frowns, "Wait what? No, that can't be right. I haven't done anything. I'm not apart of this!"

"You shouldn't have talked to him at that party." She glares at me, "So it's that again huh? I barely said anything to him!"

I shrug, "Well it's your problem now sweetie." I walk out of the room expecting her to follow right behind me and she does. "No it is not! You got me into this mister, he's your enemy! So you will clear things up and get him off my back." She demands poking at my chest.

I grab her arm, "Watch your tone." She glares at me, "Or what? You're going to kiss me again? What the hell was up with that anyway?"

I ignore her and continue walking to the kitchen, "Okay whatever forget that, why is this guy after me in the first place?"

"He thinks you're valuable to me. Which is obviously not true."

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah obviously so let him know that!"

"Don't you think I've tried? Now my other theory is that he just wants you for himself. Which is pretty hard to believe." I say looking her over distastefully. She sends me a deadly glare, "Yeah because I'm so repulsive no one would ever want me."

"Correct." I can see her fuming from the corner of my eye. "You do know I have a boyfriend, remember? And don't forget the fact that you kissed me."

"I only kissed you because I hadn't had any action in a few weeks and you were there and didn't fight me off." I say with a shrug. She doesn't say anything after that and I smirk to myself.

"Cats finally got your tongue huh?" I could tell what I said hurt her a bit even though I didn't actually mean it, but the kiss was a mistake and she needs to know that it meant nothing.

"No I was just thinking about how stupid you looked in pajamas." She huffs at me. I look down at my attire and I know I look far from stupid in my Calvin Klein pajama pants and bare shirtless chest.

"Says the raccoon girl, you can get cleaned up before you leave. Or don't I really don't care." I say referring to her smudged eye makeup, before heading back to my food.

I feel her glare at me before storming out of the room. I smile to myself, she's so cute when she's mad.


After she's out of the shower she walks into the kitchen wearing a white t-shirt and jean shorts that I left for her. "Look I decided I don't need or want your help, it's obvious you're not gonna help me anyway. I can protect myself, so can I have my phone back I'm leaving." I hand her her phone back without sparing her a glance.

She snatches it out of my hand and leaves the kitchen, I hear the front door shut and I pull out my phone. "Toby, I need you to get someone to watch over Camille Ali at all times got it? Lancing is after her."

"Got it boss, a small team or a singular person?"

"A team of like 2, and don't let her know she's being watched over. I put a tracking device on her phone already."

"Yes sir. Will do." He says before handing up the phone. As much as I disliked the girl I couldn't let something happen to her, especially if that would mean Lancing getting his way. I'd rather lose a limb then have Lancing get something of mine. Not that Camille was mine, I didn't even like her.

She is irritating, irrational, and she infuriates me. One thing I hate about her the most is that she isn't afraid of me. At least not anymore, she yells at me like I don't have the power to slit her throat or kill everyone she loves. She talks and fights me back and I hate that I slightly enjoy it. I don't want to feel anything, I'm not supposed to feel anything toward her, or anyone for that matter. But with her it's different, and I hate that.

Although I hated her, I still don't want anything to happen to her. We're not friends, not enemies, not even acquaintances, she was my.. whatever she was and I didn't want Lancing to get her.

I continued making breakfast for myself before showering and dressing up for work. I head out back to my "office" and pick out some body guards for Camille that Toby gave me to choose from.

Ben Phillips and Gus Martinez, both retired army veterans and trained to protect others. Toby called them up and they came in to meet with me. "This is her." I say as soon as they take a seat. I hold up a picture of Camille for them to see. "Do not let her out of your sight, and don't let this man near her." I hold up a picture of Lancing. They nod obediently.

"I bought out the apartment next to hers, she has roommates don't mind them. You start now, here's your first pay the rest you will get monthly through the mail are we clear?" Before they can say anything I slap the money on the table, "Good."

They exit the room and I sit back in my seat.

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