First year I.

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On the day of September first, 1989 Remus Lupin was getting suddenly really worried about the life of his goddaughter. Today was the day when Rhea Black would be leaving for Hogwarts. It will be a year sooner than other kids would which was only adding to Remus' worry. He knew that Rhea was more than capable of surviving the classes, even Professor McGonagall said she was exceptionally smart. He wasn't worried about her knowledge and how she will do in class. She was more than capable of outranking any regular first year, if Remus wanted to reveal his full confidence in his young goddaughter he would even say she could match with second years.

But what he was worried about was the fact that Rhea isn't yet eleven. She will be turning off that age this winter but there is still too much time till that. She will be younger than other students and that is why he is so worried. Rhea may appear as a strong young girl on the outside but she is quite sensitive, she just pretends not to show it. Rather hides her feelings inside.

From his own experience, Remus knows how kids can be. Especially when they are dealing with someone younger than them. And given Rhea's past and her parents' reputation she is in for quite some rough time. Remus is yet to inform her where her father is at right now. Rhea has lived all her years with Remus without single information about her father. Remus always not finding it the right time to have that kind of talk with her.

Remus looked at the clock to see that they were being late. If they won't hurry up the train will leave without Rhea. And that simply won't do after all the hard work Remus put into persuading Professor McGonagall. He will simply not let his goddaughter waste her chance of being at the best school of all wizarding world just because she is being a laid back female version of her father.

"Rhea Angela Black, I advise you to move your lazy bones as fast as possible or else you'll miss your train!" Remus shouted up the stairs. Waiting for the sound of the door opening. The sound of the old door squeaking was heard from upstairs followed by footsteps running down the hall.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" A voice of a young girl filled the house as she practically jumped down the last three steps. Remus smiled at the enthusiasm of his goddaughter. Her long blond hair was braided in two braids that falling over her shoulders. Green eyes shining in excitement as she kept bouncing up and down.

"Where's your trunk?" Remus asked curiously seeing something missing in the picture. It wouldn't surprise him if Rhea forgot to pack it. The girl tends to get a little reckless with her things and forgets about everything when she is too thrilled about something. She would even forget her head somewhere if it weren't secured on her neck. Rhea's eyes widened in surprise looking around for her suitcase as if expecting it would have marched down the stairs itself.

"Um...I guess I forgot it upstairs." She said sheepishly, lifting her head to give her uncle a guilty smile. "Ups?" Remus sighed, seeing the traits of her mother in the girl now with the forgetfulness. Her head usually somewhere in the clouds.  Bringing out his wand, Remus swished it in the air. In a matter of seconds, a dark black trunk came flying through the air, hovering over the stairs. Rhea grinned, enjoying the fact that she was privileged enough the witness magic. She was mesmerized by it. And from a young age, she had set herself a goal to master the art of witchcraft and be one of the best there is. A bit too ambitious for such a young child but that was just Rhea Black.

"All right then, come on you rascal or we'll seriously be late." Remus prodded, grabbing a hold of the still levitating trunk and offering his hand to Rhea who jumped right over to him, grinning from ear to ear.

Remus apparated the two of them on the Kings Cross Station. Making sure no Muggles would see them just apparating out of thin air, because that could seriously startle someone. After he was sure that no one saw them he let go of Rhea's hand and the two of them found a trolley that Rhea could push her trunk on because there was just no way she would let her uncle carry the heavy trunk for her the whole time. She was a very considerate girl after all and always insisted on doing the house chores just to help her beloved uncle.

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