First year IV.

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Rhea was in her dorm. Looking around the cosy red and yellow room. The dark red curtains falling around her four-story bed were lightly brushing against the ground. The pillow that she slept on earlier was now perfectly placed on top of the bright red cover. Her eyes slowly scanning around the room. taking in details and examining if she hasn't forgotten anything. She checked the small bedside table that was placed next to her bed. She was sure she left her hairbrush there but the table appeared empty now. None of her usual stuff was there anymore. Stress started rising into her head. Filling it with thoughts of foolishly forgetting something in here.

The doors to her dorm opened and in strolled two girls that she shared her dorm with. Angelina rolled her eyes seeing her friend standing in the middle of the room. In the same state as they have left her here earlier. She walked over to the slightly shorter girl, slapping her shoulder.

"You nutter didn't move an inch!" Angelina stated, shaking with Rhea who shrieked, startled by the sudden action. Alicia just laughed at the behaviour of her two friends. Shaking her head as she walked over to her bed to collect her backpack.

"Angie, stop," Rhea laughed. Now Angelina was just jokingly moving her back and forth. Both girls laughing like crazy.

"Seriously you two, cut it out. We need to go or the train will leave without us." Alicia called over her shoulder, zipping up her backpack and throwing it over her shoulder.  Angelina and Rhea were still standing in their spot. Staring at Alicia's back before sharing a look between each other. Angelina holding Rhea around her shoulders almost hanging over the younger girl's body. It was a miracle how they haven't yet fallen to the ground.

"I don't see a problem there, honestly..." Rhea shrugged, Angelina nodding in agreement why continuing to hang on Rhea.

"Oh really? I always knew you two were after Filch, I just didn't know you would want to waste your whole summer on him. But I guess whatever suits you. I am sure two months with him and his smelly cat are gonna be a pleasure." Alicia said sarcastically, walking past the girls, purposefully bumping into them causing the two to stumble to the ground landing on each other. Rhea on the ground with Angelina on top of her.

Rhea and Angelina let the information sink in. The realisation hitting them hard like a Hogwarts Express at a full speed. They scrambled to their feet. Both racing towards their backpacks. Rhea's was thrown in the corner of the room, she almost hit her head against the wall when grabbing onto it. Angelina jumped over her bed, landing next to the big dresser all three of them shared. She dug in there, her backpack lying there at the bottom of it with a few abandoned pieces of clothing the girls decided to leave behind.

Alicia watched them race around the room in amusement as they kept on collecting their belongings. In the rush, Rhea wore the backpack the other way around and Angelina forgot that her's wasn't zipped up causing her to dump all of her things on the ground. Alicia just watched her two friends and dormmates scuttle around hurriedly. Overthinking whether she should laugh at the pair of them or help them collect their belongings. Wondering how she could have chosen these two as her friends over all other normal wizards and witches this school had to offer.

Then she took a look at how the two were laughing and she just couldn't hold herself any longer. She joined in with the laughing. And walked over to help the two collect their things so they could leave the amazing school for their summer break.


"So, what took you girls so long?" Fred asked once the three girls made their appearance in their compartment. Angelina, Alicia and Rhea almost didn't get on the train on time. Due to their hold up back in their dorm. But they managed, after some scolding from McGonagall to get a move on.

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