Third Year VI.

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"Oh pipe down," Rhea frowned, shutting her book in annoyance. She was sitting by the Black Lake with Edmund, the two of them as always being the silent partners for reading a book. Well, it was silent until the two started conversing about school. A topic which quickly led to the question of their houses. And since both of them shared a great deal of pride in their house it was bound to end in a small argument.

"You just can't bear with that fact that I am right," Edmund said back, a confident smirk gracing his pale face as his brown eyes didn't leave the book he was casually reading. Their conversation got to this dangerous point when they both started arguing about which house was better. The fact that Gryffindors once again didn't win the Quidditch Cup this year. Once again lost to Slytherin who after the rather demolishing loss with Gryffindor at the beginning of term managed to win against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, securing first place for themselves.

That was certainly something that wasn't adding to Rhea's mood. Since they didn't have Harry there to help them and they made some major mistakes in their match against Ravenclaw and her and Angelina were complaining about it to the twins for good two weeks. They were all ready for Oliver to go berserk next year and start intense training sessions to get them all into shape. And now Edmund was bragging about his green and silver pride to her and it was getting on her nerves. She has nothing against the house itself. But she thinks that it is highly unfair that Slytherin gets to win both the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. It shouldn't be fair since they often cheat during the Quidditch matches and they don't lose points in Potions because Professor Snape prefers them. Such a bigoted stance for a teacher.

"The truth is only that your House is good at cheating." Rhea snapped back, pouting like a child whilst pushing her book into her satchel. Deciding that she had enough of being in Edmund's presence. Before she could stand up Edmund grabbed onto her wrist. Finally putting down his book and appearing as less of a git when he gave her attention. His dark brown eyes were no longer reading through the words of the book, instead, he was scrutinising Rhea's facial expression which gave him a clear image of how she was feeling. 

"Oh come on Ree, you can't be angry at me for that. I didn't even play properly during the match with Hufflepuff, remember? I got sick the day before and was practically dead on my broom." Edmund defended himself, trying to get Rhea's glare to soften a bit. If it were anyone else she would have already rolled her eyes and marched her way straight to the castle. But Edmund was one of the kindest people she knows and he never lies. She was always surprised how he was in Slytherin in the first place when he was so much more suitable for Hufflepuff with his loyalty and hard-working personality.

But then the Slytherin traits always somehow poke their way through his kind attitude. He could form words in any way possible, his resourcefulness with them was to die for. Even if he would break the rules of school in some way he would surely be the one to talk his way out of detention. His ambition to become an Unspeakable one day was truly admirable, and in some way brave, as no one knew what was going on at the Department of Mysteries. But Edmund did everything he could to get there one day.

It was his ultimately set goal. All Pevensie siblings seemed to have their goals set. Peter was on a good way to being an Auror, and Susan was set on being a journalist one day. And Lucy who was now only in her second year already knew she wanted to be a healer one day. To say that Pevensies knew exactly wanted with their future was an understatement. And Rhea wished to also know what her future was holding for her.

Of course, the lessons of divination could never bring her any answer. Just this year they learned that a Hufflepuff boy in their year would die because she saw it in his teacup. Rhea didn't mind Tessomancy, she and the twins were having a good time out of it. A few laughs were shared about the mad topic, taught by the mad-looking teacher. But that all changed quickly when Professor Trelawney decided to take a peek into Rhea's cup. She was told that the cross has come her way but not to worry because there is still a beam of sun merged with heart. In other words, she told Rhea that she will suffer and be put under hard trials but would be happy about it and something with love, or joy. Rhea wasn't sure how to correctly convert the words of the teacher into sensible English so she did what she could with the help of her textbook.

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