Sixth Year I.

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Rhea sat in the armchair in the living room of her uncle's house. She was reading a book, just about halfway finished with it. It was just a pastime before she will go to the Weasleys to go with them to the Quidditch World Cup. Until then she was forced to just sit down and stop fussing around as before she was going up and down the stairs, every two minutes asking if it was time to go already. That's how excited she was to go.

Her uncle was quite nervous about letting her go to such a big event and if it would be just up to him he wouldn't let Rhea go. Even if everything was taken care of by the Weasleys. But Rhea still got to go. Only because her father came over, mainly to hide there since the south was too hot for him. And so just for the fun of it, he came over to Remus' house, instantly taking the role of the great father and allowing his daughter everything she wanted.

He knew Rhea's love for the sport and she had great potential in being professional. At least that's what he gathered from watching her play in the school cup last year. If only she realised the talent that she has. And he hoped that seeing the professionals play would get her onto the right track of what she would be good at. Not some stupid ministry job that she wants only to clear out the family name Black. And the fact that she got straight O's on her O.W.Ls report was something that needed rewarding and so this was it.

While the atmosphere in the house was calm, Remus was reading the Daily Prophet in the kitchen. Drinking his tea. Finally, he enjoyed the fact that he could relax and not worry about Rhea breaking her neck on the stairs while running up and down. Sirius was in the living room with Rhea. He was lying on the couch, sleeping. Getting some long-deserved rest now that he knew he had people around him and he didn't have to worry about being taken away by the dementors or other ministry officials.

Rhea furrowed her eyebrows in displeasure. She didn't like one bit how the book was turning up. With batted breath, she read on until she groaned when yet again her favourite character didn't make it. It was a curse to fall in love with fictional characters. Annoyed the girl threw the book away.

"This is terrible!" She yelled so loud that her father almost fell off of the couch that he was lying on.

"Wh-what? What is?" Sirius muttered tiredly, but he had already his wand in his hand in case anyone was causing his daughter any trouble. Remus came rushing over from the kitchen. He stopped by the doors of the living room where he stood looking around the room in worry.

"What's happened?" Remus looked towards Rhea, tilting his head to the side in confusion when he saw the book thrown on the ground and Rhea sulking in the armchair. Sirius wasn't as observant and was rather occupied with trying not to fall off the couch but as he tried to get himself back into a sitting position he fell from the couch, hitting the side of his head on the coffee table in front of him. "Oh my..." Remus muttered as Sirius groaned in pain.

"I am going to be alone for the rest of my life!" Rhea whined, throwing her head back in frustration. Remus stared at her with a confused look on his face. Rhea's outbursts while reading a book weren't unusual but it didn't commonly end like this. With people around injured and all.

"This one is new..." Remus muttered, walking further into the room.

"Now darling, I doubt that." Sirius groaned from the ground trying to calm down his daughter whilst fighting with the pain that erupted through his head from the earlier impact. "You just have to..." Before he could finish his sentence Rhea started one of her dramatic speeches again.

"Why can't I have the perfect love story?" She asked in an almost desperate tone. Remus was just watching the girl in amusement while her father was utterly confused. Only having the pleasure of experiencing such a show for the first time. "Do I have to die like Juliette to get my Romeo?" Sirius pulled himself up on the couch.

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