Fourth year I.

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Rhea was comfortably sitting on Fred's bed in the twins' room. A plate with biscuits placed in front of her on the sheets. Fred was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against his bed while he and George discussed the plan that was set on the sheet of parchment that was spread on the ground. The twins had finally managed to steal Rhea from Ginny who was always taking their best friend from them. Right now Ginny was helping their mum in the garden so it was fairly easy to get some time with Rhea without their younger sister always following behind them.

They decided to use the time on planning a prank that they wanted to pull the next year at school. It seemed like an easy thing. Not many things were needed but it still could backfire horribly.

Even if all three of them were quite skilled in this Rhea still felt quite unsure, after all slipping a Pompion Potion into the drinks of all the Slytherins seemed a bit extreme. As much as Rhea thought it would be funny to see the Slytherins with pumpkins instead of their heads for a few hours, several things could go wrong with this idea. For example, the potion didn't have to be brewed correctly and Slytherins would stay with pumpkin heads for the rest of their lives and she doesn't want that on her conscience.

"Are we sure we want to do it?" Rhea asked unsurely eyeing the piece of paper on the ground that had messily written notes on how to brew the potion. By the long list of things that they would need for it she already concluded that it would not be all too easy and was quite anxious about it. Of course, she would not admit that to the boys. But she could appear sceptical about the procedure without seeming as if she was scared of the results. Or the brewing process itself.

"Of course, we are," Fred spoke for the both of them. Not even looking over at George, but the younger twin did appear quite sceptical about it as well. Probably not finding it a good idea either.

"I mean, just last year you almost killed three first years by freezing the grand staircase. Do we want to risk this?" George asked looking over at his brother who was still scribbling something on the paper. With an annoyed sigh, Fred lifted his head. First glaring at his twin and then tilted his head so he could glance at Rhea who was sitting behind him.

"Are you two bloody babies?" Fred quizzed, challenging the two with attitude after they tried to put down his master plan. Rhea rolled her eyes at his question. And George just groaned. Both of them familiar with how defensive Fred could get. It was never a pretty sight when Fred started with insults.

"We are just thinking about the long-term results." Rhea clarified, moving on the bed to sit on the edge. Fred positioned his body so he was facing the two of them. An unpleasant frown attached to his face. 

"The only result I see is us being legends," He opposed. His mind was not able to see the problem with his plan. It had only good outcomes for them so why were George and Rhea so sceptical about it was beyond him. He just planned it to make all three of them popular in school. People expect them to come up with something great and this was just it. But his two partners were ready to chicken out of it.

"Great, and I see the possible danger of Slytherins having pumpkin instead of the head for the rest of their lives. Or the potion blowing up on us while we will be brewing it." Rhea said. Taking the initiative in the conversation with Fred. Even though George was Fred's twin, he didn't have the patience to we dealing with his brother through wise arguments like Rhea was able to do. If it was up to him only, the twins would end up rolling on the floor in the middle of a fight, in the better case tearing the parchment with the instructions to shreds.

"I don't see a problem with that." Fred shrugged nonchalantly. His hatred towards the Slytherin house showing up on the surface. He had his personal reasons why he was so set on the idea. But knowing that Rhea would most probably not agree with it he kept quiet about it.

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