Sixth Year II.

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"So Rhea...what do you have with my brother?" Rhea almost choked on the juice that she was drinking when Ginny asked the question. Until now Rhea was sitting on the couch in the living room of the Burrow, waiting for the twins, Ron and Mr Weasley to come back with Harry. She was excited to see the boy with glasses. But the real reason she was so persistently waiting for the boys to come was the fact that Fred and George were supposed to test their Ton-tongue Toffee on Harry's cousin and Rhea was excited to see how it would turn out.

Well, that was until Ginny almost literally attacked her here on the couch when she spotted her while retrieving a cup of water for her and Hermione. The two girls were upstairs talking, more like gossiping about everything and Rhea was glad not to be part of it.

"Merlin Ginny, you can't do that," Rhea scolded the younger girl, coughing a bit the remains of liquid that were in her mouth. Ginny seemed unbothered by the fact that she had almost drowned the older girl in the glass of pumpkin juice, she just wanted her answers. She yet didn't have time to ask Rhea the question she had been dying to ask since the day she saw Fred kiss Rhea when they were guessing her chapstick flavour.

"So?" Ginny prodded, leaning against the backrest of the couch, her chin almost falling on Rhea's shoulder.

"So what?"

"What's between you and my brother?" Ginny asked once again. Eager to finally hear the answer. She has been dying to find out that Fred and Rhea got together finally. At first, she was betting her money on George but as time passed she realised that Fred was the right win in the bet that she now had with her other brothers. Those brothers meaning Charlie, Ron and Bill. They had a bet about who would end up with Rhea. Charlie and Ginny's money are on Fred while Ron and Bill are betting on George. While Percy is not so enthusiastic and says that Rhea would do best to find someone better suited for her who wasn't either of his brothers.

Rhea, oblivious to their bet just as the other two brothers in question were behaving the same way, as usual, having private, heartfelt conversations with George, while on the other hand, there were those subtle touches from Fred's side. That was something that kept the bet between siblings alive.

"Which one?" Rhea asked teasingly, but Ginny, far too used to this question wasn't going to get turned down by it today.

"Fred obviously, don't you think I didn't see how he kissed you last year? And that look on your face when he did so." Ginny ranted, making Rhea feel uncomfortable at that moment. She wasn't ready to be interrogated about those feelings just yet. And surely not by the sister of the said ginger. She was sure Ginny would be quick to yell the information out the moment she had it confirmed. And Rhea wasn't sure if that was what she wanted. Maybe it would be best if someone else knew first, before the whole world.

" don't know what you're talking about." Rhea muttered, a blush creeping to her cheeks. She huffed seeing the knowing look on Ginny's face. "It surprised me okay? I didn't expect it. Anybody would react the same as I did." The blonde defended herself against the ginger. But the younger girl only leaned more to her getting straight in to Rhea's face.

"You so love him, don't you? Please tell me you do!"

"All right Gin, that's enough let the girl breathe." Bill, the oldest of the Weasley children said as he and Charlie walked into the living room. The two boys have been helping their mother in the garden and now they came inside to get some drinks and cool off from the burning sun. Even if Charlie was quite pleased by the information about the kiss between his younger brother and Rhea he noticed how uncomfortable Rhea was when Ginny was pushing her to answer and so he decided to step in with Bill.

"Yeah Gin, go upstairs to Hermione. Gossip about that Harry bloke that you love." Charlie teased with a wink sent Rhea's way as an encouragement. Ginny huffed, glaring at her older brother in annoyance.

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