Sixth Year III.

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Rhea sat in between Fred and George while eating the magnificent dinner that Mrs Weasley prepared. The earlier thick atmosphere was suddenly lifted and a light-spirited conversation replaced it as everyone suddenly felt more at ease. Everyone was eating and talking, it was a normal family atmosphere. One that Harry and Rhea were enjoying way too much as they weren't very familiar with the feeling yet. Rhea's dad was home for only two weeks if not less and they didn't yet have a family dinner like this.

It was always just a quick sandwich before bed or sometimes not even that as their life was mostly revolving around watching out for the full moon or being aware of every movement of wizards outside since her father was still a wanted man in the eyes of some. So there was never a time for the calm family atmosphere and the one that they had her father was either asleep or helping Moony with his injuries. Honestly, the last time she talked to her father alone was the day when they first met after they came out of the Whomping Willow.

So having dinner here with the Weasleys that wasn't filled with silence and rushed chewing was amazing. A bit of noise but that's just how Rhea liked it. Hearing the harmless sibling banter, the twins tease Ron. Mr and Mrs Weasley asked about how their children were as well as including the friends of their kids. It was great. Rhea was chewing her meal, listening to the conversation of Percy and his father, and being interested in how things at the Ministry were. The more time she thought about it the less appealing the job at the Ministry sounded to her. Even the job of an Auror was not something that would excite her anymore. A newfound fact that her father was someone important in the wizarding world before he was betrayed like that, shone a new light on things and even if Rhea still wanted to prove herself to the world there was nothing that would be pulling her towards the Ministry anymore.

"I've told Mr Crouch that I'll have it ready by Tuesday," Percy was saying pompously. With a new type of enthusiasm when talking about his report on cauldron bottoms. Rhea couldn't imagine how something like that could be even remotely desirable or interesting to write about yet Percy seemed to be enjoying it greatly. Much to everyone's surprise. "That's a bit sooner than he expected it, but I like to keep on top of things. I think he'll be grateful I've done it in good time, I mean, it's extremely busy in our department just now, what with all the arrangements for the World Cup. We're just not getting the support we need from the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Ludo Bagman..."

"I like Ludo," said Mr Weasley mildly cutting into Percy's speech which got a displeased frown out of the curly-haired guy with glasses. "He was the one who got us such good tickets for the Cup. I did him a bit of a favour: His brother, Otto, got into a spot of trouble, a lawnmower with unnatural powers, I smoothed the whole thing over." Rhea shared a look with George who also seemed interested in the unnatural powers of the lawnmower but his father didn't seem to be close to elaborating on that.

"Oh Bagman's likeable enough, of course," Percy said dismissively, waving his hand, "but how he ever got to be Head of Department...when I compare him to Mr Crouch! I can't see Mr Crouch losing a member of our department and not trying to find out what's happened to them. You realise Bertha Jorkins has been missing for over a month now? Went on holiday to Albania and never came back?"

"Do you think Percy would fancy a holiday like that?" Fred whispered into Rhea's ear causing her to shake her head with a small smile. Giving Fred a look to stop joking about something like that. But on the inside, she was enjoying Fred's teasing. "I'm just saying I would be delighted if he went. It would be very relaxing for both parties I'm certain."

"Oh come on now, you would miss him," Rhea said back with a smirk, catching Fred off guard. It was no secret that the Weasleys were very family-oriented and had tight bonds with each other even if they never liked to admit it. But it was something everyone could see just at first glance. Even if Fred was playing it tough all the time Rhea knew he cared about each and every one of his family members...even Percy.

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