Sixth Year XIV.

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It's been weeks since the accident between Rhea and Fred. Neither of them spoke to one another or dared to appear in the same room as the other. Classes were the exception, but it was like there was some sort of invisible wall between them that made it easier for them to ignore each other. Rhea didn't even attend classes for the first two weeks. Calling sick and just visiting the Hospital Wing two times a week to get some calming potions, every time accompanied by Angelina who seemed to be the most worried about the well-being of the girl. A few times even George tagged along. But he was rather preoccupied with Fred.

The older twin was terrible to be with during the first weeks. He would do everything and anything to occupy himself. There was a week when George would be woken up at five in the morning along with Lee because Fred was causing a ruckus in their dorm when he was getting ready for his morning runs. It was a rather hard time for all the occupants of the boys' dorm.

Fred had a lot of questions in his mind that he refused to focus on. That's why he was coming up with all the terrible ideas, the pranks, and the new products for the shop. Last week he came up with the idea of a love potion since he heard Angelina talk about her last assignment for Snape which was to write an essay on Amortentia. He was intrigued by the idea. Especially now that he was questioning his own love life. He didn't want to speak with Rhea, not because he would be angry. He personally had no reason to be. He was just confused, scared and overall just lost in what he was supposed to do. It's not every day that his best friend confesses to him that she loves him. It was new territory and in all honesty, Fred didn't know how he was supposed to react to it. How was he supposed to feel? Did he love Rhea too? Well, she was his best friend but other than that? He didn't know. So he was keeping his distance.

Rhea on the other hand was angry. Angry at her own feelings, angry at herself for not confessing sooner and especially angry at Fred because he used the truth serum on her. See she didn't mind finally telling Fred how she felt. It was bound to happen someday. She was angry at the way of how it happened. She was forced by the truth serum. It wasn't on her own account. And that bothered her. It was supposed to be her moment, the one from the books that she read. The romantic confession of affection. And even if Fred wouldn't feel the same at least it would be done correctly. If anything she deserved to have it done the normal way and not by force of a potion. Even love infused by a love potion doesn't feel right. How should a confession of love under a truth serum feel normal?

Their friends were also very supportive of the matter. Most of them were maybe on Rhea's side but they were trying to keep the two apart or at least far enough from each other until they were ready to face one another again. Without anyone getting injured. And according to what the girls could hear from Rhea the time will not come in a long, long time. George knew this was the time he was fearing. The time he couldn't fix his brother's mess. All he could do now was be there for the both of them. Keeping Fred occupied while being Rhea's mental support at the same time. It was tough having his twin and best friend mad at each other. But he had to do it, he had to be there for them both because he cared for both of them. He was not going to pick sides here. That's why he did everything Fred wanted to do for the past few weeks. To keep him from having any invasive thoughts before he had everything in his head figured out about his feelings towards Rhea.

That's why they were stepping up the stairs to the Owlery late at night. Although George wasn't exactly thrilled about the contents of the letter he still followed, not wanting to let Fred send the thing on his own. If his name was already written there he might as well participate. That doesn't mean that he liked it. Not at all actually.

"That's blackmail, that is, we could get into a lot of trouble for that-" He stated being a step behind Fred while trying to talk some sense to his brother. Even if he knew his twin wasn't keen on listening to others too much these days.

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